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Dr. Orange

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Why couldn't you use bullets? Fox's machine gun in SFA uses bullets, the sniper rifle too as far as I remember... So you can haz ballistics! :P

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@ Chaos: Well what if I had someone that looked like him, but he "different"? I had a character that was a Lucario that had his current form and could manipulate the Aura to change his form using energy. Besides there are some similarities between the two. Their Eyes for one look similar. I could say, "like in either forms, there is a signs of the other form on thier person. For instance, when hes in human form, he looks human, but has strange eyes. since Lucario has a Yellowish torso, that could be the human form's hair color applied to the non-human form."

I would again ask you to explain what a shape-shifting were-Pokemon is doing in Lylat. All that other stuff with aura, funny eyes and whatnot is alright, it just needs to be wrapped up in a Star Fox Lylat system package; that is, following the parameters of the RolePlay's world. It is just so much easier on everyone to work within the world established for the RolePlay.

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I would again ask you to explain what a shape-shifting were-Pokemon is doing in Lylat. All that other stuff with aura, funny eyes and whatnot is alright, it just needs to be wrapped up in a Star Fox Lylat system package; that is, following the parameters of the RolePlay's world. It is just so much easier on everyone to work within the world established for the RolePlay.

Well couldn't I be from a world that is within Lylat that isn't widely known, mabyeAndross came one day and captured some of us and experimented on us, trying to "change" us to a near version of his species, bt it didn't quite go so well, so he basically creatred humns from another race, but I manage to find a way to shift between forms, but its a bit hard to do since my genetic code is messed up? I mostly stay in human form but there a things "wrong" with it. Like my eyes are my real form's eyes, and such?

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That's a good start! :3

You kepp RE's horror-like ambiance, but you coat it with some Starfox-ish frosting! ;)

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So it could sort of work?

Getting there. The simpler the idea, the easier it is to work with. Right now, your idea has some good stuff in it at the core of it (the Wesker inspired background to have Lucario-like abilities), but you've got a lot of complicated things attached to it that are liable to tangle things up (the whole shape-shifting were-pokemon thing first and foremost).

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Well, the Poke-form is the real form. Mabye the shift ability was a side-effect of the genetic tampering. And I am able to control it to a degree.

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(may have ninja'd and edit on you. if not, I preemptively apologize)

The easiest fix to this whole thing is this simple three step procedure:

1) Make your character a Lylat furry (there's nothing wrong with him bearing some resemblances to Lucario though).

2) Take out the shapeshifting were-pokemon shtick.

3) Leave the character background and resulting "aura abilities" intact.

I will tell you this from personal firsthand experience: Great characters, really great characters, start off simple, and gradually grow in complexity. Characters that start off complex end up bogged down and cumbersome. I'm just giving you friendly advice to avoid issues down the road (one of the mixed blessings of experience: you can see unavoidable problems in advance). If you want to continue with your concept as-is, okay, go for it, just don't say I didn't give you fair warning. I'm fairly certain that if you go through the RP with your current concept, it's going to be a pretty awkward experience for you.

You'd probably do well to take all this up with HE19 and see what he says. Ultimately, it's your choice, and I don't want to seem like I'm pressuring you too much.

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I offered you a suggestion that keeps the core concept of your character (Weskeresque background with Lucarioesqe abilities), and trims away a lot of the awkward complicating factors that you originally had (shapeshifting, vague genetic manipulation thingy). It's one thing you could do, but certainly not the only thing.

If you want to take time and chew on this a little, ask for a second opinion, consult the RP's runner; these are also perfectly valid options.

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I think you're idea is pretty good, but I don't know what the character should look like. I dunno. Mabye i'll slep on it.

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You'd probably do well to take all this up with HE19 and see what he says.

Reynard, You have a good RP character to start. But you might want to tone it down a bit.

1) A Human character might work. But Like Psygonis said.

Well... It's just about the Lylat system dude...

My character (Alex Skille) was one human. but He Changed his DNA to make himself to look like a Furry. A human changed to fit the story line.

But I can't see the future. It might work.

2) You had a Idea of a shape-shifter to change your character. I would recommend not to do this for this somewhat makes you character "Overpowered" in a way.

An overpowered character could somewhat have unfair abilities.

That's all my concerns. But other than that it's good.

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Well I do have Pete Stacker, but I dunno. Half of the characters I always make are soldiers. Am I authorised to use him?

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Well I do have Pete Stacker, but I dunno. Half of the characters I always make are soldiers. Am I authorised to use him?

Yes but it depends on how you use them ;)

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Yes but it depends on how you use them ;)

what do mean?

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Reynard, my character is human too, dont worry to much about the species, more on whether or not your character is over-powered and original. That's my opinion.

Sloan is on the side of the resistance

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Reynard, my character is human too, dont worry to much about the species, more on whether or not your character is over-powered and original. That's my opinion.

Sloan is on the side of the resistance

Well since Pete is from a different little "rp" I do for fun, He has two forms I use. I could use the Anthro version so it fits with this rp's universe.

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what do mean?

You can use the character. That's really all I ment. :)

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I have a question: What if you arent an early riser? Will it affect the RP in anyway?

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I have a question: What if you arent an early riser? Will it affect the RP in anyway?

Probably not. As long as you post it's better late then never.

Okay so to recap I am shooting at High Executor (waiting for him on that one), Reynard is calling for help, Fira is shooting at me, Lonewolf is flying off somewhere (perhaps he can answer our call for assistance), Starfoxchick is fleeing, and Chaos_Leader has slipped a comm into her pocket which has begun to beep.

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Probably not. As long as you post it's better late then never.

Okay so to recap I am shooting at High Executor (waiting for him on that one), Reynard is calling for help, Fira is shooting at me, Lonewolf is flying off somewhere (perhaps he can answer our call for assistance), Starfoxchick is fleeing, and Chaos_Leader has slipped a comm into her pocket which has begun to beep.

Alright, ill see what i can do in a few hours or so. I need to slep. its 2:40am pacific time. Night everyone!

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Alright, I've entered the mall and am now pursuing SFChick and Chaos Leader. Emp, I've called you to let you know what I'm up to, and high_executor's trying to escape. That's what I understand, anyways.

Also, quick question, can I kill Non-Player-Characters, such as generic resistance fighters or civilians?

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NPC's who won't be essential later such as nameless citizens and soldiers are expendable. You control the NPC's that you fight unless someone with more clearance to do so takes control of them. (Like I did with the ruffians attacking Starfoxchick.)

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