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phantasmagoria of magical wishes

King of the Shrooms

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*the great legacy of king starts here*

title: phantasmagoria of magical wishes

style: Forum.

theme: touhou+ whatever else the players bring to the table.. mostly touhou though

setting: the great realm of magic! where all is great!

description: the great king of magic himself. king Douglas *of the shrooms* has issued a challenge across the galaxies! that the strongest must be found, and that contestants must face of in a great battle, called the "phantasmagoria of magical wishes". the flyer's thrown across also mention this "the winner will face the very king of magic, and should they win... their greatest desire will be granted to them upon request". obviously this attracted quite the crowd and now.. 1 week away from the start....... the line up has started except theres a sign and it reads "the great king will only see ONE person. no more" which means only 1 will win.

Goals: to overcome ALL opposition and win the fight. then to face the king of magic and get your hearts desire realized.

player count: COME ONE COME ALL!!!!!!! i have no specific limit, as long as theres at least 2 other than myself.

salvador leos (emperor)

keitaro menaruka (Dale of the Valley)

Anna (general Milky)

Heise (Hitori)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Leave it to emperor to be the first to join. The character I shall use Salvador Leos for this RP.

His bio can be found here: He's at the bottom of the page last post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i would like to join this role play

name: Keitaro Menaruka

abilities: strong fighter with the ability to learn any hand to hand fighting skill as well as species atribute

species: Kamaitachi No Itaku (Muchi) http://nurarihyonnomago.wikia.com/wiki/Kamaitachi

background: shall be revealed throughout the roleplay

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After much pressuring and being too lazy to make a new character for it, I think I have my workaround entry. I'll be entering my normal character Anna, whom enters on a misunderstanding of what she's getting herself into. Fancying herself invincible and good with martial arts, she decides to give it a shot, and only later finds out what she signed up for.

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alrighty we finally going somewhere!

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After being dragged into this place, I wanna bring Heise into this roleplay if I may. Gonna drag him along with me.

His profile can be found here:

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  • 4 months later...

[Locking this topic due to age. If you'd like to pursue it again, submit a new request.]

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