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Are you a furry?


Member of the fandom?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you consider yourself a furry?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure

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Are you furry is an internal cosmic question must all ask our selves at some point. It is pivitol in personal growth and development. According to Freud, being furry is... Ah hell sarcasm from me! Again? No, surely not!

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Was it supposed to be a debate in the first place? Was it not supposed to be just a poll that evolved into a debate?

That was my exact intention when I created it.

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You will learn that users souls is really a dark decreped place where sunlight seldom shines

i second this

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Ajc thinks we are all a

Little furry on the inside the only differince is the devotion to it or intrest in it you show.

Even the haters:


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Even the haters:


WIN! k_e_lol.gif

And factually correct! k_e_nod.gif

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Seriously, it just keeps coming and coming. I get what you're tryign to say. That we all are closeted furries XD

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my fursona is now a hyooman

Well I guess it's not a fursona anymore then! :P

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This thread makes me wanna cry.

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Because that image isn't actually factually correct at all, nor is it win. It's simple troll logic.

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Because that image isn't actually factually correct at all, nor is it win. It's simple troll logic.

i like it. its undeniable

wow milky complaining about trolling, wait? milky complaing about trolling? i sense a trap!

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i like it. its undeniable

It is deniable, and I'll point out how.

If I saw what I thought was a roach in my room, I'd be paranoid about an infestation and thus being on the lookout for and thinking about roaches. I guess this means I want them or want to be one.

If I'm in an apartment and there's a drunken party next door preventing me from sleeping and getting up early, this must mean I'm a party animal or want to get drunk.

No. It doesn't fucking work like that.

wow milky complaining about trolling, wait? milky complaing about trolling? i sense a trap!

Because it's only feeble trolling in the vaguest sense of the word and poorly done, and you people are saying it's "factually correct." It's you guys that causes ME to troll in the first place.

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Except, it DOES work. It's simple logic.

Average people don't think about Furries AT ALL; Furry haters think about furries at least somewhat.

Thus, in comparison to an average person, the hater is Furry in the basest sense of the term.

Take away the troll image in Panel 4, and it loses the stigma of being slightly-trollish.

Is it a bit of a stretch? Undeniably. But at it's root, it's true to a baser level.

And, your examples are entirely situational. Yes, at that moment you feel one thing.; but Furry haters think about Furries and how much they hate them on a regular basis.

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Except, it DOES work. It's simple logic.

Average people don't think about Furries AT ALL; Furry haters think about furries at least somewhat.

Thus, in comparison to an average person, the hater is Furry in the basest sense of the term.

Prove it. Prove how even THINKING of furries makes you a furry in the same way that even THINKING of a drug makes you a dealer.

Last I checked, being in the furry FANdom, the FANdom of furries, you must be a fan. A fan by definition means to like something. So how the flying hell does hating make you a member of the fandom?!

Take away the troll image in Panel 4, and it loses the stigma of being slightly-trollish.

Is it a bit of a stretch? Undeniably. But at it's root, it's true to a baser level.

And, your examples are entirely situational. Yes, at that moment you feel one thing.; but Furry haters think about Furries and how much they hate them on a regular basis.

1. no, as it's meant to stir up people who dislike furries. The same individuals who run around stinking up forums and online games with their avatars and signatures throwing it in their face.

2. No, it's not true, and you've yet to prove anything. My "situational examples" apply to everything. Do you like Justin Bieber? no? Well I'm sure you spent a while thinking of him to come to that conclusion, and will continue to everytime a teeny bopper girl squeels about him. See how this works yet?

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this thread is like a dying old man.

he's a pitiful shell of his former self. a husk of humanity hooked up to machines that keep his body living long after that essential part of humanity that makes life worth living has departed from his decaying material frame. gone is any trace of the dignity, the respect, the vivacity, the animating purpose of his existence that once inhabited his flesh. now he is just a sagging pile of organic material, waiting for enough functions to shut down that a sterile medical system can declare him officially deceased and he can be packed off to the mortuary.

this thread cries out for the dignity of a death on its own terms. this thread deserves an end to its pointless suffering, dragged on interminably by unthinking, callous parasites who believe themselves to know better (and probably only want him to change his will first). this thread has reached the end of all that which made life worth living.

is it not time to let it go?

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So let me get this right, Zorro. I think about trolls on a daily basis. This makes me a troll.

I think about kids on a daily and constant basis. This makes me what? A kid, or does that make me a pervert?

FALSE. Neither. It makes me a good Day Care Teacher for making sure I am able to get myself or someone who can get the kids to the day care center from school, so you know, a real pervert won't snatch them up.

And like Dras just said, She is now a Nazi.

Oh crap. I too am now A Nazi. Lesse... I am a Child Touching Nazi. And hey, while were talking about stuff, I am listening to depressing music, and thinking if this is what emo's do with their angst.

Oooooh boy... Now I am a Child Touching Nazi Emo.

And as you said yourself, "Is it a bit of a stretch? Undeniably. But at it's root, it's true to a baser level."

Now proving that theory completely idiotic, I do think this topic really has ran it's course and really isn't doing anything good.

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boy i really hate nazis

oops i guess i'm a nazi now

Goddamn it Dras now I'm one too. D:

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