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Baby Toys


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Which was your favorite or the toy that you most remember from your childhood? Do you still keep them?

I would say mine were a set of three plush big-foot trucks, size of your average Teddy. I think my little cousin has them.

Another, whcih I still have, is a miniature set of figurines with it's own miniature case, which I reportedly took everywhere I went.


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I didn't really have a favorite toy that stands out for me growing up. That, or I can't really remember - I'd have to ask my parents.

However my fondest possession back then was a white stuffed bear that I got the year I was born. It was about a foot tall and it was named Muffin and it was my favorite "toy". I kept it until I was like...15 or something before it was thrown out. D: :(

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Sadly enough mine was a Yoshi stuffed animal. I kid you not. Even worse is that I vaguely remember the day i got the bloody thing..

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Favorite toy as a kid? I don't remember that far back. I made pretend in the back yard, hitting trees with sticks pretending they were enemies and my stick was a sword. I read too many books, and played too much legend of zelda.

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The earliest toy that I can remember are my old zeonizers. I'm not sure if I still have them or not.

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Video GAMEZ.

Is there something else before the videogame phase? Common child toys?

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Is there something else before the videogame phase? Common child toys?

I was never that into toys, but I did love stuffed animals and plushes.

I can't really remember that far back, since my VG phase started very early at 3-years-old.

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My very first favourite toy was a little stuffed bear that sang a lullaby when you cranked him up. His chest said "I love you" and I'm pretty sure he was one of those hospital toys. XD I have him put away in a box with all my and my sister's baby toys for our kids.

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Those Mcdonalds dalmation toys. I was obsessed with them, I wanted em all, and my sis and I would play with them nearly everyday. We made up this big world and personalities for all of them.

It was pretty bad, but when you're six, you don't really care about quality.

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I can't remember any baby toys. Probably cause I broke all of them and they had to be thrown away. I had a blues clues plush toy. lol

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I could go on about toys for various reasons. On topic though, I was into action man during the start of "It fires missiles" phase. So he was stuff like a sniper and undercover cop, I was 'grown up' by the time he became a skater and the like.

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Though I can't remember too far back, I distinctly remember two of my favorite toys; a large, bright red Tonka firetruck,

and the Hess Gas Station's Toy Patrol Car;


For those of you unfamiliar with Hess, it is a gas-station chain that has different toy vehicles for every Christmas; everything from bi-planes to off-roading jeeps! :D

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I think I'll say that it was Tonka vehicles and match box cars. I had an armada or two of CAAARZZ. I would arange them in traffic jams, and drop stuff on them I think. I dont remeber everything.

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Legos; very much so with the Legos. By the end of it, I'd probably amassed at least a dozen fairly large containers full of them. They're all in storage now, and they'll probably end up in the first of my family's next generation, whether its my kids or one of my brother's kids.

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Plush Littlefoot from The Land Before Time. Took him with me everywhere, and I still have him somewhere.

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Legos; very much so with the Legos. By the end of it, I'd probably amassed at least a dozen fairly large containers full of them. They're all in storage now, and they'll probably end up in the first of my family's next generation, whether its my kids or one of my brother's kids.

Same here. I had a HUGE Lego collection while I was young. Had it up until recently actually. I was never a good architect with them though, and when I went to places that had them on display I would be so amazed and think "I'll never be that good" course it didn't matter, most of my prized creations where built using instruction manuals and I had no problem with how they were made, only if one of my friends had something better. :troll:

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Ehhhh.... Super nintendo >_> My mother was talkin' about how My sister has been drawing ever since she was 2 and my bro was riding a bicycle by age 3, and I asked, what did I do when I was 2, she said "You played super nintendo."

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I think I'll have to say my LEGO collection myself as well. Loved them to bits, played and built stuff constantly. I'm willing to bet I would have been seriously less creative now than I would have had I not had my bricks to play with.

Might just upload a couple photos of my best creations one day.

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I really don't remember any toys... all i had was books books, and more books right up until i started watching my brother and dad play N64 when i was 6-ish and started writing about it. I had a plethora of stuffies and such, but there weren't anything that i carried around everywhere.

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