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As a matter of fact, even when you are pressed by incoming deadlines, getting a moment to cooldown and have a fresh restart can be a very good investment! ;) So it's a +1 for the 2nd part of your tips Red! ;)

(I'd even add "Draw pretty things "as they should be"! :3" :troll:)

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(I'd even add "Draw pretty things "as they should be"! :3" :troll:)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, START DRAWING AGAIN! :P

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I can agree with the take a break thing. I have a painting that I have to finish tonight that I just said "fuck it" to yesterday.

Brain breaks are good for the creative process! It lets me take some time off to figure out how to fix problems.

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Bah, I'm awake now. And my last post was full of typos, so I'll do that again:

I actually have been drawing, just it was a birthday present so I couldn't share it until the person it was for had seen it. XD

Also, I gave my Rainbow Dash to my friend Jack. It's nice to share. My thoughts were this:

Hayley has two ponies.

Jack has no ponies.

Hayley gives a pony to Jack.

Now Hayley has one pony.

Jack also has one pony.

Now both are the same. :3

I had a crazy dream last night where I was fighting demons or something. You see, I was playing Dragon Age 2 Legacy until 7am with Jack, so that probably had a huge influence on me. Legacy is pretty good, I'm really enjoying it so far. It's set in the Deep Roads, and my party consists of my Hawke, Aveline, Varric and Anders, who is also Hawke's love interest. I should have known better though. The Deep Roads are not healthy for Anders, the poor guy.

I have another birthday present to draw, but I have no idea what to do... I need to sit and think about it.

Tip of the day: Did you know that eggs are amazing beauty treatments? You can rub a couple of yolks into your hair, and the protein will be absorbed and make your hair super soft and healthy. Just make sure to wash it out with lukewarm water though, otherwise the egg will cook! Just add the egg to your hair, wait for 10 mins, rinse out with lukewarm water and then you can shampoo as normal.

Eggs are also great for you skin. A great facial only needs one. Seperate the yolk and white, and beat the white with a fork. Take the bubbly surface it makes and rub it on your skin, and wait for it to dry. Rinse it off, and then rub the yolk into your skin straight after. Wait for that to dry, and rinse it off. The egg white acts as a rejuvination treatment, and the yolk a moisturizer. I've done both of these things and now rely on them when I have no money for expensive products!

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Hayley I am sure a surprising burst of inspiration and creativity will ensue and you will make an awesome birthday gift or drawing for that person. You are an amazing individual with alot of talent and you can take it to the next level!!!

Also I did not know that about eggs, definitely a neat and awesome tip!!!

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Hayley has two ponies.

Jack has no ponies.

Hayley gives a pony to Jack.

Now Hayley has one pony.

Jack also has one pony.

Now both are the same. :3

You silly Commie you :P

Also, how in the world did you learn that putting eggs in your hair is good for it? That seems like the kind of thing it'd be sort of difficult to just unintentionally stumble upon >_>

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Oh, thank you Fox. :3 *hug*

You silly Commie you :-P

Also, how in the world did you learn that putting eggs in your hair is good for it? That seems like the kind of thing it'd be sort of difficult to just unintentionally stumble upon >_>

Hahaha I wasn't intending on being commie, I just saw that I had 2 ponies, he had none, and I wanted to share. :3

And well, one day I was sitting thinking "eggs are full of protein, so does that mean they're good for hair?" and I googled it. Turns out many people had already thought it up and blogged about it or made videos or recipes. Apparently it's pretty popular.

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eggs huh? The things people come up with. lol.

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This made me giggle.


*May or may not have had some helping hands in the creation behind this* >.>;;

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Hayley!!! I Mustache you a question!!

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Rage rage rage.

So today is 9/11, very sad. My heart goes out to those who died, not just on that day, but also during the wars that happened afterwards. There is no glory in so much death.

But yes, today I get in from work and see a facebook status by a girl I know. Her mother died 12 years ago, and she talks about her on facebook all the time. Yes, it's sad her mother died, and I felt bad for her. But when you have it shoved in your face at least once a week, it starts to get to you.

And today, she had the damn nerve to update: "Yeah, okay it's that day, but everyone is making a big deal of it. It's sad but we need to move on."

I could only laugh after the wave of anger had passed. I've never seen anything so selfish. She has a point, in that we do have to move on and focus on a peaceful future, but I felt like throwing that back in her face every fucking time she's posting shit like "I wish I remembered what mum sounded like.", "I miss my mum so much today, and nobody can understand how hard it is for me not having her at my birthday." or whatever. It's sad, yes, it's heartbreaking and I mean that with all of my soul. But don't you dare tell people that thousands of deaths from a terrorist attack and the following wars are "not a big deal", you snivelling, self-involved prick.

*deep breath*

So I'm home from work, which is nice. My feet are killing me! I need to start drawing really soon, yet I'm still unsure on what to draw. I should look through deviantART for inspiration.

Tip of the day:

If you do have any green tea, drop some in your next bath. It's really good for your skin.

Song of the day:

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Wow....... that girl really has a double standard going on there. Either that or she's really thickheaded.

Anyway, let's never forget what happened that day, lest we let it happen again.

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I love your rage so much, Red. It's so much more articulate and well thought out than I feel my rages ever are. And you're usually so sweet and stuff, so the rage is hella funny.

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Yes Runner, it was a terrible display of double standards.

And hehe, aww thanks Xort, I'm glad I can entertain you. XD For some reason, I think harder about what I want to say when I'm angry. I have no idea why. Usually I don't make the effort to sound intelligent unless I'm writing a story, but when I'm angry, my thoughts become clearer and I'm able to say exactly what I feel. Even though what I feel usually gets me into trouble. XD

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Making sense only when you are angry... That's so girlish (not to say Scottish :troll:)! :P

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You're welcome! :3 Now that Sabre's not here anymore... The spot's available! ;)

Now, back in topic, in addition of being a troll, let's be the devil's attorney. Someone said (I think it's Napoleon Ist) "one death is a tragedy, a thousand a statistic". So, yeah, it's sad and all. But it was ten years ago, and it served as a pretext for lots of bad stuff so well... I can understand that from her point of view, people make a big fuss about it.

One has to remember that people don't view and feel the impact of events the same way, especially if she has a problem already with dealing with her dailylife issues.

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One has to remember that people don't view and feel the impact of events the same way, especially if she has a problem already with dealing with her dailylife issues.

And so she should remember that as well. Not only is she being hypocritical, but she's being an inconsiderate bitch. Just because it's not a big deal to her doesn't mean the same for the thousands of people who've been affected by it. They view and feel the impact of 9/11 in a way different than she does, and if we're expected to understand that for her, then she's expected to understand that for them.

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Not saying she's right, that's just how things work for people...

After all, the memorials of 9/11 don't mention all the people involved after it, because of it and that have their share of suffering as well, from both ends of rifles, right now as we speak for some of them.

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I know you're not saying she's right, you were just playing Devil's Advocate. And I love when people do that, since I get to argue back :D

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O u guys. *hugs*

So today I've been drawing R3d's birthday present. It's late, I know, but better late than never! I'm nearly finished it.

Last night I discoverd that Reno likes Chocolate Fudge Brownie Frozen Yoghurt by Ben and Jerry's. How do I know? I went to the bathroom, leaving the yogurt on the table, and when I got back, Reno had a brown beard and moustache. He looked like a little British soldier.

We have really awful weather right now. Apparently it's the tail end of that hurricane. It actually blew my window right open, the cats nearly pooped themselves.

Song of the day:

Tip of the day: Hair conditioner is an amazing substitute for shaving gel.

EDIT: And today I cried when I realised that I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for.

Edited by Redeemer
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We have really awful weather right now. Apparently it's the tail end of that hurricane. It actually blew my window right open, the cats nearly pooped themselves.

That made me lol so hard.

EDIT: And today I cried when I realised that I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for.

Aww, I'm gonna assume that includes me and start feeling all warm and fuzzy :D

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