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StarFox: Awakening

Guest Blue_Fox

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(OOC: is NatFii a boy or girl?

"Well thats interesting" the medic says "How have you became the last of your kind....i take it from any situation like this, your kind was destroied"


Mitch crawled slowly, eventually he stopped and turned his head, carving away with his right hand claw at the metal duck he can see a very powerful magic orginating just above him, he also noticed Tanya, the Mariens, and of coruse something in the stasis chamber.

"man oh man, hope tanay aint to in over her head now"

He slowly activates a strobe form his wrist, it moves through the duck, boring a hole in the floor and appearing right near the foot of NateFii, who wouldnt have noticed. Tanya caught a glimps and grinned, making sure she didnt give away the plan.

Mitch saw the grin "alright, a little nip and tuck manuver should do it" he thinks as he slowly claws his way to the foot, emerging only have his right hand around the back foot of NareFii...and as soon as it commenced its attack, he grabbed the foot, the claw held tight as he used all his weight to slam the target down while Tanya lept up and slamed NatFii through the floor to the lower deck, allowing Mitch to fly up from the duck and lands in the place that once had the combied character

(OOC:/OffTopic: NateFii is genderless)


There were NateFii mirages (Not clones) everywhere...

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Kit was annoyed, "Hey! Get back here!"

"Captain, we need your help, we can;t stand it! This is it, we need your help!"

Kit rolled her eyes and dashe dot her room, she quickly put on her unifrom and buttoned it up, to her neck, and put her sword in her sheath. She hung it on her belt and took a tooth pick out of her box and slipped it itno her mouth. Her uniform was a dark navy blue unifrom that looekd like a Japanese Police Uniform in the 1800s.

She dashed out and ran down the hall, she ran itno the hanger and smile,d her men were to work, and she smirked.

"Everyone! Attack positions!"

"Captain!" they called happily and got into their positions, thye were safe, since Captain was here.

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Guest Blue_Fox

"Damn, this is going to hell...all units Fall back to shuttles" Mitch says as the Mariens start hoffing back to their location. Down below the men recived the command, quikcly grabbing equipment they slavaged and moving to the ships. Mitch and tanya staied behind

"GRENADE HIT THE DECK" a marien said as he tossed one to help block the foes. The blast knocked Kit and natefii back as debirs fell between them and the infantry that have came abord. With luck it would bide them time.

"get going with the POW, she may be a noncom, but she still is under our control, we can learn alot bout this place" Mitch says as the meidc picks up Marie and moves with the others.

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Kit smiled, she liked playing, though this enemy seemed difficult and seemed to have a plan, and she liked thta, she needed to talk to the leader, she unsheathed her sword and started to walk, a smile on her face, wasn't the best mask she had to put on yet.

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NateFii: Quick Attack!...E-Kah!

NateFii hit the 5 nearest bodies so quick....no wait...


My bad...NateFii Got hit on the head...with some kinda...mallet....ow thats gonna hurt...

(NateFii to Nate the Narrator: I think I got hit with a staff...not a mallet...Shesh..)

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Guest Blue_Fox

Kit smiled, she liked playing, "Unsheath swords!" the noise was heard

"MOVE!" as quick as a bullet they were out, moving into enemy territory, swords slicing through guns and the snapping of necks. She unshaethed her sword and called out, "Let me speak with your leader, and we will settle this, or do you wish to lose more commrades! Fall back into the debris! Dig under it!" she called.

Her troops were then gone and under the ground moving in for a attack.

(I dont think a whole troop could be station on the Great Fox, and besides, my men are behind a wall of debris, we took no casualties and thats just being cheap)

Shut 1 were loaded up" A pilot says as the first shuttle connected to the airlock breaks off and returns to the ship, Warhawks escorted it as Starwolfs ships pummled it

"Ah..easy killing" leon says going for the shuttle

Back on bord Mitch, tanya and chalk 2 of the mariens were on the lower level, bounding from side to side and room to room they made their way to the lower level hanger to get to the ship

"Not much of a warm welcom" Mitch says as tanya takes his back on their bound "Why do we always run into this kinda hell?"

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NateFii: -Hmph more targets- Targets inside and out....I'm not going to fight anyone on the inside anymore....See ya!

NateFii then made a air bubble that was shaped to his/her body so he/she could be outside the ship....then vanished....making everyone go :twisted: ...

Then NateFii appeared outside the ship and he/she saw red ships with Wolf symbols on them...

NateFii tried to find who was in charge.....and he found the brainwave he was looking for...

NateFii (Telepathically) to Wolf: --Hey! There is enough of a mess on the inside...stop messing around!--

PS/OCC/Offtopic: To have Wolf reply to Natefii...all he has to do is think an answer....kinda like how mutants and others talk to Professor X sometimes in the newer X-men:EVO Cartoon

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Kit smiled, this was going to be fun, "Men, hold back, don't make a move, I rather settle this myself." Kit unsheathed her sword and walked through her troops, they stood ready but a simple smile led them off.

KIt stood at the wall and looked, it wasn't very solid and it wasn't very good debris, just rocks, a simple cut of a sword could go through it. She shook her head,

"Nothing this means to surrender, just please, let me speak to your head Officer, or so on, and we shall be on friendly term, unless there is a different term that you would like to use?"

She closed her eyes and waited for a option. Or an opinion, "And, I have a comment on your barrier type wall here! Hey, answer me damn it!"[i/]

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Guest Blue_Fox

The men were to far to hear, already in the gally, they began to barricade the way behind them, closing the doors and proping anything infront "Hold up sir, the explosion caused some debris to fall to the entrace to the hanger, may take awhile to clear" one of the soilders said as Mitch, Tanya and the others waited, Guns at the ready at the other galley door "Peace talks my ass" Mitch says already seeing what happend before, with that "thing" and he didnt want anything else but to vamouse this ship.

"coproal, how much longer?" mitch asks as men flip up a table as a barricade "not long sir"


"Who dares question my ideas?" Wolf says trying to find who had spoken to him "i do what i please and this is what we want."

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"This is nonesense," Kit sliced her sword in a downward motion and made acut mark through the 'rock' wall of debris, 'Notice that, if not, I will be glad to make another one!' she thought and crossed a strike again adn made an X shape and stepped back.

She was waiting for any firw to come after her, she was waiting, she wanted to rip this wall apart.

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Guest Blue_Fox

There was a clicking sound as a spider bot appeared, it wasnt very big, but the instant it drew its dual guns, it was a threat. The spyder droid opend fire on Kit and co. While below, a Comtech watches through the camera

"Droid at 500 rounds...hope it holds out"

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Kit knew soemthing was coming and ducked, she army crawled towards it, and not away from it, she had a diffrent style, of fighting, and it wasn't known, to the military, since they didn't allow it, though she was part of a malitia, so she could use it. She rolled otno her back and had a bullet cut through her uniform, "I just go this frickin tailored!"

Kit rolled to the left and noticed it was still firing away straight where she used to be, she smiled and jumped, landing behind the droid she made a sudden movment, so it would notice her, two bullets hit her in the chest, it didn't make a differene though, "Kitsune!" she yelled and put her sword parrely to her enemy and ran, hitting it head on she smiled and jumped onto it, even if it shook her off, it was damaged and another Kitsune would cut it in half,

And she smiled, "A camera, how pathetic, can't yuo come out and face me, or, can you be a coward?"

Moving her sword in a downward motion, it slid through her robotic enemy and she jumepd off and looked at her wtach, it took her a minuet and a half, "Man, that was slow."

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Guest Blue_Fox

The soilder is ticked "goddamn, sir, you had to let that thing go to waste? i coulda totled the bi*ch" the Comtech says as he closes the computer

"We only came for salavege, and we got nothing, les we stay we may end up in a wolrd of pain, we dont have the equipment necessary to combat them." The Master Sargent says as Mitch looks at him "we have to go now, this ship is falling apart at the seems."

(hey guys sorry, but this is trailing from what i origonally hoped for...no worries though, im gonna start a new rp topic, simialr idea, but different space and characters)

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