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What have we learned from today?

Prince Elite

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Very simple, just right down something you learned. Can be simple or can be great, whatever. post as much as you want.

I learned how good a chocolate mud pot tasted.

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I learned how much waking up at 6:15 in the morning almost every day sucks.

Nevermind, I've known that forever.

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I have learned, wax paper does not taste very well ><

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I learned that the engineer from training mode has a voice in the 3DS port!

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The Ploughman's Lunch from the pub "The Black Sheep" is totally awesome! :D

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That I only have 2 cavities when I thought I had 6.

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I learned that when I rant, it last forever. My poor deviantART journal... XD

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I learned just how much of my life was absorbed by this comic series..


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I have learned that putting Choclate and Peanutbutter on Grahmcrakcersa dn then heating them like you would a S'more, is very very bad. DO NOT EAT IT!

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I learned that Soysauce does not make everything taste better.

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I learned that when someone says "meeting at 10:00 AM." they really mean "you go ahead and wait, while we mill around do nothing, probably won't show up at all, and we don't have the courtesy of giving a warning about it."

I learned that!

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People on YouTube can be some of the nicest out there! They can also be the nastiest and most annoying!

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HDMI cables make PS3/360 games look AMAZINGLY CRISP AND COLORFUL.

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That I can't chocolate anymore. It doesn't taste good to me anymore. So sweets are off the menu indefinetly.

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I've learned just how many seeds can be in one grape.

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The a rolling bag is superior to a back pack when you have Scoliosis.

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I just leanred that 100 Pesos (one Mexican coin) is worth 7.7125 US Dollars. Essentially thats 8 dollars.

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Wait a minute, I made a mistake. Never mind people.

As long as I'm here, I learned that my computer is crap and that it must be replaced.

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I learned, from Rey, that a Peso is worth approx. 8 US Dollars

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