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Charcoal </3 Fluxy


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I am more active than before, obviously, now that I well, feel pretty chill and good. I honestly think I am on a good path with where I am at in life, and hope to stay on it now.

Also, yes, I requested my last journal to be closed as really, it was basically five pages of me boo hooing, hating, raging, or being a noob; That is not who I want to be, or am anymore; At least I hope.

Either way, as some of you may have noticed, I have started up a trial, so to speak, comic just to get myself more inclined with both drawing in general, and photoshop. I honestly never thought I'd get even this good after a simple five months, but well, here I am, and the growth/realizations of how or what I can do to make both myself, and my art better keep getting a snowball effect. No longer is it really faces that I have an issue with in consistency, I more so need to focus on making them look more unique for each character to some degree. Sure, it can't be perfectly unique for each character, but simple ways and techniques can go a long way to make it look a lot less amateurish. Overall, I am happy with where I am now, but I know I can keep improving.

In more recent news, I am going to be redoing my room, so to speak. Since I am not moving and I am staying here, I am going to be cleaning out a lot of the random junk in my closet and all, hopefully moving my dresser there. My bed takes a good portion of the room, and I don't even have a large bed, I just have a small room. But with the dresser in there, and miscellaneous random junk out of the apartment, I'll be taking measurements in my room for some type of working desk. I want to have proper place to draw and do things, as currently I am doing all my drawings either on my bed or couch, and not only is my back being affected by it, but also is my form, or lack of form rather, for drawing. With a few desks I checked out, it'd make things a lot nicer. And with this latest check, I'll have enough for a desk, a nice chair for it, and the Solatorobo: Red the Hunter game for the 3DS, all while still having money for some reading material and for some nice color pencil set that I have been meaning to get. I prefer doing traditional art all the way, and coloring with these pencils would be pretty neat. I have actually been wanting them for a few months now. I might wait till near when my next paycheck comes just to make sure I have emergency cash, but I know I'm getting them soon.

And well, that is how I am about now. Oh, I also hope to update my comic about twice a week, and I feel I can easily keep up with that unless something comes up. if not, I know one a week without a doubt. But there are no specific update days. That's all for now.

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Congrats on the new journal, Fluxy, and good luck with that room renovation! :D.

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That comic you made the other day was very good. I can certainly understand what you mean by a small room, but I only have a bed and a computer desk so it's not too crowded.

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Danke, Crazy!

And thanks to you too, Wes. And yeah, I honestly wouldn't mind a room like that, just my room is still filled with the crap that hasn't been unpacked since the move. I really should get on that and think I will later tonight after the TF2'ing.

I mainly want a comp desk so I can set my laptop there, and draw with like, not killing my back at the same time, ya know? Sure, bed is comfy, but I know it isn't good at least for my posture.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So today I woke up with a really bad sore throat, moderate congestion, and a very bad cough. This normally wouldn't stop me from school or work at all, buuuuuuuuuuuut, I work at a daycare. If I'm the reason they get sick, I'm in huuuuge trouble. Lol So I got the afternoon shift off, and got to relax. It was pretty fun to say the least.. Other than being fully sick. >.<

So what I am doing currently is letting my dog sleep next to me as I draw my part of an art trade for Psygonis. I am currently on line art, and I am using a different style for the line art, sooooo, it might be a bit long for me to get it just right, but I know this will come out great.

Not much else other than that. Been getting better at TF2 lately, but today I sucked reallllllly bad; I blame being sick and my reflexes being low, but meh; I'm sitting down and playing games, and not at work; I can't complain. :3

Till next time!

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Soooooooo, STORY TIME~

*WARNING!*: If you like stories of hearing stupid kids rage quitting in TF2, READ DIS!!!

On this side of the computer screen, I wanted to play TF2, and little did I notice, that my good friend ^6Faie was online and playing. I decided to join in.

After joining, we were talking and catching up, really not trying hard, but still having a good time, till I hear that this noob was bugging Faie about trading. This got me a little annoyed, but I shrugged it off. Then, after typing out that we didn't need 4 snipers, this guy went after me on it, practically begging me to trade him my weapons, for his hats; And for those who don't know me, I already have the cosmetic hats I want and need, lol. This guy was effing persistent.

Buuuuuuuuut, little did he know, that a bit before he started bugging me, I IM'd milky, since he saw me come online on Steam and was talking to me, "Hey, wanna join this match with me?" and he accepted. Took him a while to get in, but he got on soon enough.

Seeing this all play out, Milky IM'd me, "Let's troll this kid" and I was down for it; Mainly because this guy was still bugging my friend. So Milky typed in the chat box "Hey, Fluxy, I really need a Frontier Justice, Soda Popper, and Gunslinger; Do you have those?" and Milky already knew my weapons from all the times we played together, and I responded, "OMG, I HAS ALL DEM WEAPONSZ!" and by this time, the guy [Who's name was Double Tap or something] was like, "Fluxy, please trade with me." but of course I ignored him.

So me and Milky traded, and it showed so on the chat box, and literally a few moments later, the guy rage quit the server. Milky and I traded back items, ^6Faie and Raenko [Who I didn't really notice join from no where] plus other pubbers congratulated us for our combined genius and making this creeper leave.

Though, as this unfolded, Milky, Myself, and ^6Faie were all on the same team. We three didn't do crap as me and Milky planned and did this. We lost -Horrrribly- that, and the next few rounds. Do I regret doing it? Na. It was worth it, and even the other team agreed.

So yeah, Milky and I are complete Hero's, and we did it by trolling. Trolololol.

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That was magical. I love trolling children.

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That was magical. I love trolling children.

Just don't troll the kids I build sentries for, and we are chill =3

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So, I dunno if anyone actually reads this, but my dog almost completely broke my tablet pen, and I, by nooooo means, have enough money to set aside to replace it with this next check. I can't afford to simply spend $70 [before tax] on just a tablet pen, as much as I want to.

I know I am not great, and I may not be the most social around here do to blah blah blah non-forum drama + Random crap, but for those who do, if they could sorta just think about the next part of this post? I made a journal entry on my Deviant Art about it, and for the sake of time, am just going to paste part of it here.

"If I did Point Adoptables, that'd help put something towards me getting a premium account. Would people be interested in seeing some sample works at all? I off this whole idea because it is overall cheap for you, and is at least something to help raise up.

Also, would people be interested in me doing commissions for them? I'm no way gonna make it expensive, probably $5 for character plus simple background, then +$2 or +$3 per extra character in the picture, and just $3 for the standard line art."

I don't so much care about the deviant art Point Adoptables or what not right now; That is just an added 'want' you could say. But the main part is the commissions, and really, I am pretty desperate. I'll try to get an example done or what not, but for that speaking, my normal, non-comic, works should work for an example. It may not be much a price for the art, sure, but every dollar counts and I could really really use that right now. And once I hit my set goal [Which literally is till I hit enough for my pen] or after a month and I -hopefully- get enough money to spend it on a new pen, I'll close commissions, less people really like them. I am only doing this so I can get the pen as this is really making me upset and down.

Please tell me your thoughts, any advice or what not. It'd really be appreciated.

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So, keeping it short and sweet, I'm on this slow desktop to tell you all that my laptop won't start at all after a windows update, and am rather pissed off. I dunno when I'll be able to be consistently on again.

Could be in a few hours, could be in a few days, or weeks. I don't know. Either way, just wanted to let this be known.

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Gotta love Windows, eh?

They break their own shit, they don't need help.

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Back, issue is resolved. Do I wanna talk about it?

No. I am really pissed, and more than likely am gonna take a break for a bit just to... I dunno. Something. Today really -really- sucked. I was even bad to the kids at work. Enough to the point that my boss might reconsider having me as the head staff member. Just gonna work on not being agitated. So if I am less social, I am sorry, I got a lot going on right now, and will be back as soon as I got a hand on things.

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I'm not sure if it'd be totally okay to post, since it has use of the "F" word quite a bit in the beginning, but this is a journal entry I put on deviant art. *Shrugs* If I am not allowed to link, then go right ahead and notify me or edit the post. Thanks again.


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My 'Letter that i next to a and d' won't work and o you have to deal with what I ay look like now. at leat till it get fixed.

o, imple in and out quetion, would anyone watch me if I had a live tream? I really am not wanting to get one right now, but for when I do get better, would anyone be intereted?

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^ I definitely would, and RIP to your "S" button >.<

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I probably would, and if you ever want to type something professional, you could copy one of our S letters and copy paste it, just a suggestion.

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I can type that damned letter now. Thank. F***ing. God.

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It was soooooo bad. I mean like... I don't think anyone was able to take me seriously. xD

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  • 2 weeks later...


I got gifted premium membership for DA!!!! *EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~!!!!!!*

I love this sooo much! The second I can, I am so making a skin and drawing so much wienvuebnisu;vnsnvahbr.hbtlkhslvk.abvbel;nfebslvhbn fdjl

<33333's go out to the one who gave it! <3

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Congrats, Fluxy!; glad to hear you've got a fully-featured suite in which to hone your artwork now! :P

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Kinda back now?... Dunno, got finished with at home drama, and now currently dealing with an LoL addiction. XD

Either way, I'm pretty much gonna be on more often sooner than later hopefully. I feel bad for missing out on everything, but the good part is everything is calm on my end!~.... Well I consider this outcome good, lol, so shush those of you that know more!

Either way, I feel I really need to get back into drawing more, so I will be doing random requests. Send them if you want something done for free! Please, I beg of you! I am needing inspiration to draw rather than video games! I'M DESPERATE!!!! ;_;

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So I never heard of this band/group before, but I came across this song while actually looking up anouther video upon request of a friend. But this song -really- inspired me to draw a bit more and keep going on with it.

Even if you don't want inspiration or anything, this is still a great song!


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I love Blue October so damn much. That song's definitely not my favorite by them, but good nonetheless.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've been down again for a few days now [big shocker, I know] and just... I dunno what to do about an issue of mine. Tonight really made me aware of some things i really hope aren't true, and I am confused.

I am not really doing this for attention, more so, I just need to talk about it kinda, and this is some form of comfort by writing it. Even if no one really reads this thread. In fact, it's because people can read this I don't go more into it, but really, I still just need to talk out my problems any way I can. Lately, I've been relying on a good friend to help me through some tough cases I'm in, and he is doing a great job at it; but the bad part is, the person who should be helping me through it, isn't doing it as well as the one who is. I can't really say more, I guess, but I just hope the next two days show -some- improvement; I don't wanna lose this opportunity at all.

*Ends emo rant*

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