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Today's Topic: Why Fluxy Dislikes a Lot of Furries!

So as some of you know, I have a Facebook. I -also- have a Facebook where I have, like 900~ or so, furries added for the sake of my art. This, is also, probably, where I get a lot of my rage daily. So today, I shall speak on one point of a reason I dislike a good portion of the furry community.

Characters! Or, more rather to them, the lack of such!

Role playing has been a big thing to me ever since I started playing D&D and dice-less systems when I was around eleven-to-twelve years old. Your character being a human being among humans seemed boring right? Well of course! When you start out, you're really just playing you, in a body. That's how basically everyone starts role playing in the beginning. This is perfectly natural and alright by every means.

Now then. I have a little personal peeve. When someone feels that their character is just nothing -because- of their race. Now, if it's your desire to make a character of some strange, outlandish race, being of some material, that's cool! BUT, you lose my interest when you say that you put the most effort/care into how the character acts, does things, and you know, be an -individual-. For me, the actions are what make a character an individual. I'd rather get to know a slightly ugly human character with a realistic feel, than some muscle made human that has tatoos, a scar on his face, and everything on the subject of looks, when the most interesting thing he'll have to say is that his parents died.


I can say this because while I do enjoy nice aesthetic looks, I also am not a -tool- when it comes to character designs. My favorite character is simple a Male Anthro Timber Wolf in appearance. I say this, knowing I have a character who is an Anthro Pikachu with *Insert many small physical details here* who was able to do many psychic and psionic traits. A lot of the people I play D&D with like my wolf character more, even. Why? Because his character isn't his skin/fur mainly. If I had put more backstory and detail into the Pikachu, would he be as loved? I don't know. That is when people go into 'What type of character' they enjoy seeing more.

Not 'What does your character look like'.

And really, if the type of role playing you enjoy is like that, where you enjoy a character who does and looks more exotic, that's okay. What I dislike hearing is most of those players say how 'Uninteresting' a character is, just because they don't have a pink highlight in their fur/hair or can't do magic. That is what I see a lot of these 'Furries' do.

But hey, it's people on the interwebz. I need to not get rustled jimmies. *Ends rant*

EDIT: You know what? One more thing. Fuck trying to be a good friend. Fuck really trying to show you care and just... Just Fuck.

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There'll always be people you disagree with wholeheartedly for completely valid reasons; precisely the reason I don't have a facebook account in my possession. xD

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So! Laptop's having Issues!

Hoping to finish up the first page today to get an 'Okay' or not on it, but with the heat issues, that may or may not be possible. I'm still going to push my laptop to be able to do it, seeing as it is the best computer available in the house, and I've been very excited to get this on the road.

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So! Laptop's having Issues!

Hoping to finish up the first page today to get an 'Okay' or not on it, but with the heat issues, that may or may not be possible. I'm still going to push my laptop to be able to do it, seeing as it is the best computer available in the house, and I've been very excited to get this on the road.


Had the same problems with laptop cooling farther back; tried a few cooling pads and it held it together long enough for what I needed.

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Had the same problems with laptop cooling farther back; tried a few cooling pads and it held it together long enough for what I needed.

This is with me -using- a cooling fan thing even. :<

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This is with me -using- a cooling fan thing even. :<

At one point I actually tilted a standard fan over my lap and placed the laptop over the cage around the spinning blades; worked better than the purpose-built coolers. And I do hope that it improves; try some compressed air into the fan to get dust out, maybe?

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At one point I actually tilted a standard fan over my lap and placed the laptop over the cage around the spinning blades; worked better than the purpose-built coolers. And I do hope that it improves; try some compressed air into the fan to get dust out, maybe?

That's what my friend Conor suggested. I am gonna try that when I go to the store tomorrow, but at the moment, seems that my computer is being nice. However, I am still gonna get that canned air and keep it on hand for when the issue arrives/apply it weekly just so it doesn't happen at critical times.

-Assuming- that works.

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But in other news! In about a week or so, I might be getting a really nice Desktop -with- a nice big monitor! This means more effective work space for graphic arting. <3

*Is excited*

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Photoshop crashes my laptop...

I'll be trying to get the first page of the comic out and see how much I can juggle with this all, but if I can't, it's simply going to have to wait till I acquire my desktop that I hope to be getting by Sunday. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to work in short burst periods on my laptop to get the first page out in a day or so. It's really annoying me how long it is taking for me to get this done, and I regret not just buckling down and working on it till it got finished a few days ago.

More updates as they come, of course.

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So! Update!

My laptop is being mean! Probably 'cause I'm bad at knowing how to treat it like a women, but that's okay... Kinda. I still need to get better with electronics. Either way! I'll have a pal of mine check it out and see what is possibly wrong with it and help get it feeling better.


Worst case scenario, and my ma feels ill, tomorrow instead. I'm getting my new desktop! This means, wait for it, a computer I can properly run photoshop on!~ I am really tired at the moment, but I -hope- to have the page one finally finished by Sunday night. It's really close to being done in all. I just need to refine a few things and [personally] wanna test out a small little thing to make it at least pop out a tiny bit. I personally think I can do better with the comic, but that being said, I'm very proud with how I've trained myself to draw, and where I've gotten with my skill. I need much more work on anatomy and digital painting as a whole, but I can accept this little milestone and be proud of it.

As always, till next time!

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Page one done. Just waitin' on the writer to put in the text and it'll be ready for upload. I believe I can do much better, and plan on showing that within the next pages.

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People in the picture: Sister. Sister's New baby boy, Zachary. And Rynian.

Ryn wanted to lick.

Zach wanted to eat her nose :c


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Zach wanted to eat her nose :c

HE'S LEARNING! O_o - xD, adorable though.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been gone for a while. At first simply my lazyness for actually coming to the site, and then followed up by me just having some tough stuff going on at home. Only ever really drawn for maybe... Ten hours total the past month and then some. It's just been hard for a while, and finally the worst of it all got hashed out a few days ago with the people concerned in my life and it's looking to start coming around again. I haven't left, just, it's been rough, and no point on bringing more drama here. Not that too many probably cared since I'm not too too active here anymore, but nonetheless, I know Crazy at least reads these. That fricken stalker.

Anywho! Guess I'll post shit and stuff!~

Congratz to Sroberson and Red5! I don't know what at all really happened to spark the need for chat mods, but needless to say, I'm glad you both got those positions and know the job will be done well! I know I only went into that section, like, once when a few of us trolled as Dolan characters, so actually it makes sense as to why there might be a need for them!

A lot of people who left on a rather bad, or sour, note have started coming back it seems. I may not have been happy with a few of them at the time of their departure for whatever reason, but if they're willing to come back and learn from everything, then good on ya and welcome back. I know this place definitely needs more attention from good smart individuals.

And lastly there's this artists group. Now I'm not good and I remember reading I didn't need to be good so long as I drew StoreFax art, but the hipster side of me doesn't wanna really get it... THOUGH, my love for having a fancy purple title really attracts me to it. Plus the power to laugh at others who don't have it. That makes it very tempting.


As for news on my end, bleh. Just lot of rather serious drama and all concerning people I basically consider family. It's seemed, for the most part, work through. Though, that doesn't mean there won't be more drama. Simply put, the biggest mountain was just climbed. I sketched a new avatar of my character, Harsh, today and am going to finish up page two of the comic project. Fuck, it's been over a month since I did the first page. So yeah, really sorry I've not been here or doing art or anything. I really only do things when others have been doing it, like games and all. Haven't gotten inspired to do too much lately. So we'll see what happens and I'll keep updates happening, even if I have to partially force it.

Till next time!

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