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HAHA!! Congrats Nick...Next up is Seasoned writer for EquestriaDaily!

Thanks! Fingers crossed and nose to the grindstone! Lol

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I do believe I promised that I'd Have the first chapter of the sequel to "Her Sword, Shield, and Friend" up today and guess what? I just submitted it for approval. And guess what else? It clocks in at roughly 2,530 words. And guess what else? The last like 2,000 were done in the last six or so hours because I'm am apparently a senior member of the procrastination club, but I said Thursday and dammit if I didn't get it done. Anyways, enough talking yall wanna see it right? I'm hoping that's a yes because I'm dropping the link anyway. Be sure to let me know what you think for I am an ancient mythical being that feeds on constructive criticism. Ok shutting up now, here.s the story. "A Fresh Perspective"

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Ok, so I made a tumbler so I could keep up with some cool artists who do posts and all that jazz and I thought I might as well take questions for fun if anyone is interested. I'll be taking questions as myself and my OC Night Wing (Captain of the Lunar Guard) so it can be sort of a creative outlet. Anyways, here's the link, drop me some questions! http://cavemonkynick.tumblr.com/

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So out of boredom I decided to whip up a post to demonstrate how my tumblr is going to work

Cavemonkynick: Hello everyone! Howzit goin?

Night Wing: Oh hey, you’re posting. Do we have a question?

CMN: Not yet, I just thought I’d elaborate a bit on how this is going to work.

MW: Without me?

CMN: A guy can dream.

NW: Ya’know, without me you probably wouldn’t have the little bit of internet fame that you do now.

CMN: And without me the world wouldn’t know you exist Windelbane.

NW: Fair enough, can we get on with this? You’re supposed to be writing “A Fresh Perspectiveâ€

CMN: Fine. So as I was saying I wanted to give everyone a bit of an explanation about this seemingly random dive into tumbler.

NW: It started out simple enough.Up until yesterday we had been following our favorite tumbler accounts via checking them everyday, so we made an account to better keep up with them. Why hadn’t we made one before you ask?

CMN: Because I am lazy and Night Wing cant work the keyboard.

NW: I can manage the keyboard by holding a pen in my mouth and poking the keys, its the touch pad that hates me.

CMN: Anyways, we made the account and I got to thinking. Maybe I could use this as a small creative outlet by answering questions alongside a character that people sort of know.

NW: Of course I was the obvious choice being an original character that actually manages to make since in the word he was created for.

CMN: Watch it.

NW: Just saying.

CMN: Right, so that’s the set up. You ask a question. We answer it and take obligatory shots at each other.

NW: All in good fun of course.

CMN: Of course. So what are you waiting for? Ask some questions.

NW:… So are you getting a skits-of-frantic vibe?

CMN: A bit yeah…

So that's the basic geist of it. As I said, its a creative outlet for me so head on over and hit me up. http://cavemonkynick.tumblr.com/

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..... I have just been informed that my story will be in the next episode of Reading Rainboom in two weeks instead of tonight. Uggg, i hate waiting!

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Oh man. These last two days.. well technically three I suppose. Yea, seeing as I never got to sleep Monday and that's what crashed Tuesday I'm counting it. You see, lately some demented cosmic force had been playing hell with my insomnia for kicks, or at least that's how I picture it. So Monday I woke up at 5:30 in the afternoon because I didn't get to sleep until 6 that morning because YouTube likes to hide all the good stuff until I want to go to sleep so I end up playing "Just One More Video" for hours on end. I wanted to try to get to sleep around midnight because I had to get up at 9 on Tuesday for a dentist appointment... JOY. Well I failed miserably at that so at about 1:00 I get it in my head that I was going to finish "Of Wubs and Words" and put it up so I could judge reception and decide whether or not to continue. At this point the jury is still out. I have some good ideas but I don't know how to string them together into a coherent and compelling story that lives up to the standards expected of me, or that I expect of myself for that matter.

Wow, totally got side tracked there. Oh well, moving on. So I got that done in about 2 hours and decided to try turning in. Well I couldn't sleep seeing it was only 3 so I turned to YouTube because I AM AN IDIOT AND I HATE MYSELF APPARENTLY. By 6:00 I was finally getting tired, but fate was not on my side. As I went to turn in I refreshed my tabs to check everything one last time and noticed that 2 of the stories I'm tracking updated, "My Roommate is a Vampire" and "Composure" and because, as I mentioned before, I AM AN IDIOT, I just had to read them. The first wasn't that bad, 3000 words and some change. Got done with it in 10 minutes or so, even in my drowsy state, but the "Composure" update... dear sweet Luna's flank... 21,314 word update... That beats out "The Immortal Game" so far which averages 12017 roughly. (Let the record show that I got 17 out of 20 chapters in adding the word count manually before I remembered there's a total at the bottom... I finished on principle... I miscounted somewhere and my total was wrong... By the way go read "The Immortal Game" (formally known as "Ponies Make War" I believe(Parentheses within a parentheses (Parenthese-ception))) It is awesome) Ugg, more sidetrack.... Back to the point which is LARGE UPDATE IS LARGE. I was simultaneously thrilled and terrified, which both start with "T" (NO! BAD NICK! FOCUS!) at the same time.Of course I read it but it took me 2 hours. Normally I'm a fairly efficient reader, especially if the subject is interesting, which "Composure" is, so I should have finished it in half that time. The problem was every now and then my eyes would cross and I'd lose focus for like 10 minutes at a time. Not good for efficiency. By the time I finished the two stories I only had like 30 minutes left to sleep. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of, go curl up in the bottom of of my shower/tub and lay there until the hot water runs out. All I have to say is I'm glad mom drove me because while I didn't sleep I was close to it. We got back home around noon upon which I ate the lunch we brought home and played Skyrim for 6 hours. Then I read "Fluttershy's Giant" and shed man tears sorrow, joy, and nostalgia, part of which I blame on being up 25 hours, and part of which I blame on The Iron Giant being a genuinely touching story and this adaptation holds that charm. Put Fluttershy in it ant I didn't stand a chance. (Go read that too)

I just double checked and "Composure" Updated yesterday, Wednesday, not Tuesday... So what the hell was I reading Tuesday morning.... Dear God someone help me....

Ok, that's enough worrying myself over my mental stability. Anyways, Wednesday I was finally able to renew my X-Box Live gold subscription which resulted in a 7 hour Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer marathon with my buddy Jon3Mac (the guy who helped me brainstorm "Mustardpeace Theater" and generally focuses on being a dick about my writing as motivation to get better, which has worked. I've come a long way just in the past year.) The only reason it didn't last longer is he got inexplicably tired and actually fell asleep on me between matches. It was great fun though. Its been a little over a month since we were able to play and I'm pleased to report my Sniper skills haven't rusted over yet. I'm still popping melons like a boss with my Black Widow and it's still a blast. That being said, I probably wont be getting much writing done for a few days. There are Reapers to kill, Cerberus troopers to slay, Geth to hack, and friendly insults to trade. Below is a standard conversation between Jon3Mac and I during the heat of battle:

Me: "Woop! Headshot! Suck it Neme!*" (*Meaning Nemesis by the way, enemy Cerberus sniper.)

Him: "So? You're a sniper."

Me: "Yea, but it was in cover."

Him: "And?"

Me: "Screw you."

Him: "Crap, Phantom."

Me: "Where?"

Him: "Over here."

Me: "Coming."

Him: "It just snap killed the vanguard."

Me: "The one with like twelve numbers in his name?"

Him: "Yea."

Me: "Good riddance." *laughter*

It's odd, the more irrelevant our conversation is to what were doing the better we do. Also insulting each other increases productivity, and at the top of our game were a tough dynamic to break. So yeah, I'm defiantly going to be playing the living heck out of some Mass Effect 3 with my best friend for the next few days and I'm going to love every head Quarian Sniper head exploding second of it... except for when dad tries to to check his Facebook and crashes the router because his shit laptop sucks bandwidth like like an anemic vampire at a blood bank costing me all of my hard earned exp. and credits for that match...

See yall around, and stay awesome! Cause you are!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the day is finally here and of course I'm up WAY to early. Right then, most of you will probably remember me mentioning that my story, "Her Sword, Shield, and Friend" is going to be featured in Reading Rainboom over on Everfree Radio and tonight is the night. You all should totally follow this link and tune in tonight at 7:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time US & Canada) ant watch. I'll be hanging out in the chat with the same name as here Cavemonkynick. They'll be doing a few different stories and (if his twitter is to be trusted, and I'm sure it is) TechRat from the Equestria Inquirer will be reading the comedy fiction they've chosen, so that should be fun. Right then, time to find some good ways to kill time. I probably should have saved finally diving into Austraeoh until today. Oh and go read that if you haven't, it's amazing.

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A Skype conversation between me and Jon3Mac After we've both been up about 26 hours for no real reason.

[7:05:06 PM] Me: da fuq is with this cat? tumblr_m8ird8ppMr1qlddj1o2_500.jpg

[7:05:56 PM] Jon3Mac: "Probleam"

[7:06:46 PM] Me: "Yes actually, you appear to be sitting on my laptop...."

[7:08:12 PM] Jon3Mac: "I'll do whatever the fuck i want."

[7:09:14 PM] Me: "You do realize that you lack the proper appendages to operate the can opener."

[7:12:31 PM] Jon3Mac: "MoFo i can haz fish." <- "You see that? That is a fucking period. As in, i can haz fish cuz i haz clawz and teefs."

[7:13:28 PM] Me: Am i the only one who finds it strange that we silently agreed to roleplay as a man and his cat?

[7:14:22 PM] Jon3Mac: "Mew meow motherfucker!"

[7:15:00 PM] Me: I'm guessing that's a yes

This is why we're best friends, lol. Sleepy time now.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Why Do I Find This Genuinely Terrifying.... Welp, Imma have nightmares tonight. Umm...

MOVING RIGHT ALONG!!! Right, so I know I dropped this link a few weeks ago but I figure I'll drop it again. I'm thinking maybe It'll kick start my creative juices again as I've stalled out a bit recently. So drop by and leave me a question, or even a short writing prompt if your feeling adventurous... Please?

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Night Wing in depth Bio because bio...

Name: Night Wing (Changed from Devin Windlebane)

Sex: Male

Race: Pegasus

History: When Devin was still in the womb his mother had fallen deathly ill and the doctors had to birth him early. Somehow he survived, but not without consequences. His body was weak. He was not frail but his muscles had very little endurance, and because of this he never completed flight school. Sick of failing he fled Cloudsdale to find a new life, however his trip to the ground nearly killed him as his wings gave out. He was found unconscious by the side of the road by Shining Armor who carried Devin to Canterlot. It took Devin a few weeks to recover, during which time he and Shining armor became good friends, and it was through Shining's influence that Devin joined the Lunar Guard and finally earned his Cuite Mark, a full moon bearing the Mare in the Moon and a bat-like wing that wrapped around half the moon's circumference. It was then that he took on the name Night Wing. Over the years he worked his way up the ranks and became Captain of the Lunar Guard even overcoming his weak body thanks to a combination of the guard's training regime and some magical physical therapy. Upon Luna's return he was immediately faithful to her, an act which earned him great trust. Roughly two years later, he fell for her. Luna returned his affection and they currently seek a way to be together without ruining their friendship or their standing in the eyes of the nobility.

Whatever: Night Wing is a fairly intelligent individual, a result of his weak stature when he was young as he tried to make up for his physical limitations with knowledge. He is a quick thinker and prefers to tackle problems as they arise rather than worry about planning too far ahead. Some may consider this shortsighted but his ability to adapt to nearly any situation in a matter of moments is what earned him his position as Captain. He has his shortcomings just like anypony else though. He has a tendency to be overly sarcastic and is usually very blunt when something is on his mind. These traits tend to loose him favor in terms of the nobility, however his good standing with both Celestia and Luna keeps them in check.

Be creative: Night Wing has an overall light-hearted personality, taking nearly everything in stride. It take a good bit to really get under his skin or in his head but when something does he tends to become hostile and go on the offensive. While these situations rarely escalate to blows he is no stranger to combat thanks to his training. He's a tactical fighter letting his quick thinking help him find and exploit enemy weakness. This style is compromised when he is mad enough and usually results in him being overpowered by his opponent.

Likes: He enjoys flying, downtime with other members of the guard, and greatly enjoys his ring side seats to watching Luna prepare the night sky, a perk of being Captain.

Dislikes: He despises dealing with the stuck up members of the Nobility, although there are a few exceptions to that rule. His main problem is ponies who think their birth defines them instead of their actions. He's also not too keen on his old name, and only a select few even remember it, the most notable being Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and both Celestia and Luna. He see's the name as a reminder of his weakness as a child, something he wants permanently behind him.

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Magical...physical therapy. Oxymoronic...yet it seems legit.

A) I love this world you’ve created.

B) I require updates.

C) Who is Flourish, exactly?

D) Any good fic recommendations? I normally only partake in the pics/music/comics

E) Me. You. MLP RP. SF-O. Now.

F) Applez

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mlfw1791_small.png Instant cure all. Nah in all fairness in my head they can use magic to speed up healing so it can be adapted to strengthen muscles.

A) Thanks! That means a lot :-)

B) I'm working on that. The next chapter of "A Fresh Perspective" should be a good and long one, so hopefully it will be worth the wait.

C) Flourish an OC (granted you probably figured as much) She's a member of the Lunar Guard and the official record keeper due to her organization skills, which rival those of Twilight. She's not as OCD but always gets the job done. I haven't really ironed out a backstory for her but it will probably be something simple when I do.

D) Lets see here... For starters, all of the ones I've mentioned in past posts are great. In addition to those here's a few: A Night (to Try) to Remember, This isn't my House!, Number 12, A Bluebird's Song, Forgotten, The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog

E) ... mlfw976_small.jpg

F) mlfw984_Icanseeforever.gif

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F) mlfw984_Icanseeforever.gif


Already cozying up to A Night (to Try) to Remember the first lines were like sugar to my my increasingly growing candy addiction.

As for the RP :whistle:i've been pondering on that one for quite sometime now. At least i know i've got someone willing to play. :yes:

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The past few days have been pretty awesome. First there was totallynotabrony liking "Of Wubs and Words" which I've yet to tell you about. Well just follow the link. Anyways, totallynotabrony spotlighted the story in his his blog and in a matter of roughly 24 hours the story nearly tripled in likes, tracks, and views. I've already made a bit of headway into the next chapter. Here's the first two lines as a teaser.

“Sweet Celestia’s pearly white flank, did you see his head explode?!â€

“Yes Vinyl,†I sighed, “I’m the one who shot him.â€

So what am "I" playing? Wouldn't you like to know. Moving right along. After this I got involved in a sort of joint project with Overlord-Flinx on his latest story The Knights of The Round: Hail Trottania. I wrote one of the characters for it, specifically Gawain.

Then Tuesday "Her Sword, Shield, and Friend" was finally on Reading Rainboom. It was awesome. The best part was the narrator was a bit drunk when he read it so the longer the story went, the more Scottish Night Wing became. It was absolutely hilarious. I was trying to hold out until the video was posted on youtube but it's taking it's dear sweet time.

And now a progress update on "A Fresh Perspective." So at this point, roughly a month and a half after the first chapter was posted, chapter 2 is at... *checks Word Document*... 785 words... I am a terrible person and I should be punished. I think the problem is the huge scene between Night Wing and Luna I have planned. My brain is so obsessed with it that I can't write the lead-up. Its time for a new approach. I'm gonna get a notebook and keep it with me at all times, then I'm just gonna write whatever scene is on my mind, regardless of what story its part of and how far it may be down the line. Let's see how that works.

Welp, I'm out for now. Feel free to beat me for not being more productive, I deserve it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right so here's the deal. After spending the last 4 hours or so absolutely engrossed in a particular novel I am here not to simply recommend it to you, but demand that everyone read it. The book in question is "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green. I know I may be a little late on this one bit it has left my creative mind without a ceiling and and all my feels spread haphazardly around my bedroom while I try desperately to piece them back together. Ever since I read "Paper Towns" for the first time nearly 4 years ago, John has been my biggest inspiration. His unique world view redefined the way I write, the way I view the worlds I create in my head. His work has helped define my personality as a writer, because lets face it, we all have multiple personalities to some extent.

Stay with me, I'm in the middle of an epiphany. You guys are getting front row seats to my brain putting together something profound. Well, it will be to me anyway.

My youth pastor once told me that people have a mask for every occasion. There's the mask we wear around strangers, the mask we wear around people we don't like, a mask for our friends, a mask for our family, the list is as long as you want to make it. Now the way he sold it, the masks were to hide our true selves from the world for whatever reason. While I understand his viewpoint I have to disagree. The masks don't hide us, they are us.

The definition of personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. This makes personality subjective to each individual. How we chose to present ourselves to our friends, family, loved ones, strangers, whatever, those are our masks and they are each their own personality. They say who we are when we're alone is who we truly are, but at the same time it's just another personality, another mask. When, we are not governed by the standards of someone else, we are governed by our own. Granted, this is usually the purest of our personalities, the core we build around, but when all is said and done its still just another personality.

The me you see written in my stories or even my blogs probably wouldn't line up with the me you'd get if you bumped into me on the street, or called me on the phone, or even messaged me on skype. The mask I wear for writing is planned, thought out, and goes through quite a few revisions before anyone gets to see it. Without that planning time, you'd find me unrefined. I'm not necessarily clever, I'm defiantly less interesting as my best stories are made up and a good story is significantly harder to weave on the spot.

In the end I guess what I'm trying to say is we are what we choose to be, even if that means letting the world chose for us because that's still a choice.

I'm rambling now and the more I try to put my thoughts into words the less profound it all seems. I should go to bed. Go find a copy of "The Fault In Our Stars" and read it. At best it will get in your head and make you think. At the least, it's an amazing story.

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Ah sourapples, I knew I was forgetting something. Do me a favor and link me to the youtube Version of Reading Rainboom when it comes out. My internet can’t handle streams, Huh, Scottish Nightwing. This outta be a treat.

The definition of personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. This makes personality subjective to each individual. How we chose to present ourselves to our friends, family, loved ones, strangers, whatever, those are our masks and they are each their own personality. They say who we are when we're alone is who we truly are, but at the same time it's just another personality, another mask. When, we are not governed by the standards of someone else, we are governed by our own. Granted, this is usually the purest of our personalities, the core we build around, but when all is said and done its still just another personality.

:popcorn: Masks = Deep. I’m afraid I wear all my masks to the party.

And Green, John Green, Got it. Consider it bought.

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Here be the link

My story starts at 15:30 if you want to skip straight to it but I recommend watching the whole thing.

And as far as the book goes, you won't be disappointed. You should also check out John's other three novels, "Looking for Alaska," "An Abundance of Katherine's," and the aforementioned "Paper Towns." They are all amazing.

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Remember that Night Wing backstory I said I was going to do... *checks blog*... crap, like 3 months ago? Well today while I was on the lawn mower I was contemplating how best to handle the fact that this is going to highlight 10 years of his life, starting with him leaving Cloudsdale and probably ending with the royal wedding seeing as "Her Sword, Shield, and Friend" takes place shortly after that. And then it hit me, do it as a journal. Now I know that's not the most original idea ever but with some of the time gaps that will be between entries, pretty much any other format would almost demand separate stories and I really don't want to risk getting totally lost in his backstory when I've barely got "A Fresh Perspective" off the ground. Doing this as a journal allows me to summarize big events to keep them from becoming epics of their own accord.In any case, here's my latest piece A Place For My Thoughts

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So This just happened with Arashikage.


Seriously, I have the best friends.

If your lost, see image below.


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Good question. This needs to be rectified. Add me pallon_o_death

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So yesterday I finally got a 3DS XL. I went for the XL cuz I never got a 3DS. Anyways, I downloaded 3D Colors and started playing around. With the first 2 I used the source images as overlays just to figure out the program since I’ve never done any digital art (save drawing silly mustaches on photos in paint, but that dosen’t count). For the third one, I took the outline of Night Wing and did all the shading myself which I'm really proud of. Follow this link to see them all and watch them be drawn.

Source: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o1_1280.jpg

Drawing: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o2_1280.png

Source: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o3_1280.jpg

Drawing: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o4_1280.png

Source: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o5_1280.png

Drawing: tumblr_maog0dTnlx1rbg615o6_1280.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday, October 1st, I helped carry my cousin to her final resting place... I should back up a bit.

The Monday before, Heather, my first cousin, went in for heart surgery. She's had heart problems all her life. This time she was having a valve replaced. Things went bad and they had to put her in a sleep like state. She never woke up. On Friday the doctors said that she showed no signs of brain activity so the machines were shut off, as per her request via living will. Within minutes she stopped breathing and was gone.

I wasn't at the hospital when she passed. My parents were and I was watching the house for them. They got home Saturday morning and we spent the day getting packed then Sunday we loaded up the van for the 5 hour drive to Blairsville Georgia. Beautiful place in the mountains. The funeral was this morning and I was asked to be a pallbearer. It was all a bit surreal to he honest. My family is pretty easy going for the most part and it was easy to get lost in conversation and forget that someone was missing. But then her name would come up or there would be a lull in activity and we would all get quiet for a few minutes.

Of course, as is the case with all families, there was some friction. In this case it was Heather's mom, my aunt. She's not the most stable individual, let's just leave it at that.

Then after the service, we all headed over to the graveside. Me and the other pallbearers carried the casket to the grave, some more words were said, and then we left. Closure.

The whole thing made me remember, funerals are for the living. We all dress up and say goodbye so we can move on with our lives. I'm not depressed or anything. I've gotten good at weathering hard news thanks a certain girl, WHO SHALL REMAIN UNNAMED!, dumping me after 5 years of dating, over the phone... from Japan... for another guy.

So yeah, not depressed, just got me thinking about life in general. No revelations yet but knowing me, I'll get something deep out of this yet.

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I feel bad for your loss but i’m glad your handling it well and are not too depressed. i don’t like going to funerals its just too much for me, but i make myself go anyhow out of deep found respect for that individual. However, your right it is a symbol of closure not an end, but a new start.

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