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Oh noes teh forum Drama!


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You know why this is here and you know that some people are complaing here... Guess what? It's making people leave the forum. So do everyone a favor and stop the forum drama. Kthxbai!

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YOU HAVE BEEN FAVED. Your not the only one sick of this forum drama. I am as well and after DZ's post I noticed it quieted up quite a bit. Hopefully it will end soon. And this pic could help motivate people to end it good job.

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Guest Kit Airheart

Well...from what I can tell, the whole damn thing is my fault. Again. I don't know why I open my big mouth...so I apologize for starting up teh drama.

The picture itself is pretty cute.

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To be honest I don't blame a single person for this, but there is blame to go around, but now what matters is that we try to resolve it. Even if it remains silent it is still an issue that we sweep under the bed that grows along with the dust.

In short let's end it and just move on.

You want to avatar it? It's not even that good, but okay!


I don't know how you're going to avatar all of the text and stuff... Tell me how much you want to crop it and I'll see what I can do...

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What? There's drama here? I'm sorry I'm missing out on it. :(

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Drama more like 11 posts that *almost* broke out into an argument.

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What I had in mind for making it an avatar was to just resize it in MS Picture It!, as it keeps it in proportion. As for you saying it isn't that good, I just like the humour I find in it(I have a -very- strange sense of humour) and thanks for permitting it.

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Guest PhazonFox

It doesn't look like this would have happened if I hadn't...err...criticized the critiques. I also feel like I might have caused some hard feelings because of that, which I regret... My apologies as well.

Nice work, Infinity. Her reaction is pretty funny.

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It is SO awesome. :(;

I'm going to try and draw a chibi Krystal someday. Now you have 2 people with your art work as their avvies. XP

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Well I'm glad we're over that at least. Woot, awesome I guess this'll be my ne wthing... I'll try to come up with a new chibi thing every time I can think of a good quirk to make fun of within the Krystal/Starfox fandom and forums.

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Dangit! I've missed another to avatar! DX

Nice job though, Infinity! Her eyes are awesome! ^^

And Kit, I don't think it's anyone's fault.

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Why is it that all the interesting stuff happens while I'm gone? :P


Anyway, the picture itself's pretty cute. Keep up the chibi stuff, it's awesome! ^^


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Heh thanks. I have another one in mind, but I'm going to wait until this whole SA thing blows over.

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Ah yes. That.

I just read the topic. If I take the perspective of the purely objective viewer, it's funny, but, seeing as I personally find some--no, most of it offensive, it's not so much funny as insulting.

So...wait, are you planning something different or ON the actual SA incident?


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I cannot say at this moment if you understand.

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