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What is the latest game you have gotten?


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My little sister fighting with my mom and claiming that I'm the perfect child and she's not, when that is FAR from the truth.


Think you got the wrong topic, mate.


As for me, pre-ordered Special Forces: Team X




The chainsaw, Jesus Christ, the Chainsaw, haha.


It's $13.50 on Steam right now.

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Think you got the wrong topic, mate.


As for me, pre-ordered Special Forces: Team X




The chainsaw, Jesus Christ, the Chainsaw, haha.


It's $13.50 on Steam right now.

I was wondering where that post was!!! I thought I posted that in the pet peeves topic and couldn't find it anywhere on there! Biggest fail ever on this forum for me! So embarrassing!


Onto the real topic now, just bought myself both Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and Metroid Other M. Gonna be a while before I play MP3 cause I haven't even beaten MP1 yet. And because of that, I haven't even played MP2.

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The latest game I have gotten was SSBB. I plan on getting SSBM and I already have SSB

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The Legend of Zelda collectors edition for Gamecube.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy (Both already completed. Well, Galaxy is sort-of, since Luigi.)




Not even a regret.

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Been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's a pretty damned good MMO. Feels kinda like old WoW, but challenging. Also you can be a really evil asshole if you want to buy.


On my bounty hunter, I shot a man in front of his young son because his wife paid me to. Got complimented on it by the lad's teacher.

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Got my hands on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. It WAS a fun and awesome game. Until I got to one certain boss battle, and now it friggin pisses me off!!!

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Due to the release of the Tomb Raider reboot, I decided to get the Tomb Raider trilogy for the PS3.

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Minecraft. And all I've gotta say is, you should never play that game alone. Otherwise a good game, though I don't think it's as good as most fans of it make it out to be.


One (small, almost completely ignorable) reason being:


*Digging into a mountain side when suddenly lava starts pouring out towards you with almost no chance to escape.*  I know its a small flaw and much more ridiculous things have happened in other games. However, the thing that bothers me the most is that there are many items and materials in the game that serve absolutely no purpose and just take up space in your inventory. And some of those items are meant to be collected, so I don't want to throw them out....

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I FINALLY got my hands on the PC version of Minecraft and i'm L-O-V-I-N-G it. :D

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LEGO Batman: The Videogame and Pokemon White Version 2 :D

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