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What is the latest game you have gotten?


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Aliens: Infestation for the (3)DS. Decent game, as it's made by the people who did Contra 4, and is based off Metroid gameplay. Just with kainde amedha (Xenomorphs, Aliens). Decent difficulty, rogue like in that if you lose a Marine, they're lost (though it seemed as though there was a chance they could be taken for impregnation instead, giving you a chance to rescue them). Not sure what happens if you do rescue them, as I kept quitting and loading saves, as I did not want to lose Gunnery Sergeant Johnston. Also a few nods to the movies in the game, such as the squad leader, and one of the playable characters, is named Cameron, there's mention of Marine training camps Weaver and Henriksen.

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Just Cause, Just Cause 2, and Metro 2033 for $13.74.

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Got Orcs Must Die! today, and got L4D2 from Icy recently if that hasn't become apperant to everyone yet.

I will be preparing a report on Orcs Must Die soon which will be sent to King of The Shrooms by his request.

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Conker's Bad Fur Day

Prince of Persia HD Collection

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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Just recently got Magicka, which is an amazingly badass game. Unfortunately, my laptop isn't exactly built for gaming, and this game in particular was designed with mainly desktop computers in mind and with little optimization for laptops.

Sooo, it runs like a snail and has some gamebreaking glitches. Looks like I won't be playing it for a while.

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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising and Operation Flashpoint: Red River.

Gotta say, I'm impressed. Only played the first two levels of Dragon Rising, but I'm impressed. They found a very nice balance of realism and, oh how to put it...


Yep, that does it pretty good. There's no annoying crap to it, really. Like guys that can see you through several trees while you (and thus, they) are small spots in the distance. Every weapon has bullet drop (though I don't think windage as that system would be a bitch and a half to deal with), and, this being my favourite, the game actually takes into account stopping power. You shoot someone with a 5.56x45mm NATO or 5.8x42mm, they can remain standing. Usually they go prone as it provides a smaller target. With the 7.62x51mm NATO, however, they don't have the option to go prone. They are instantly knocked down, and then proceed to try and regain their footing, though usually the best they can do is flop an arm around. Also, the game is one of the few places I've seen that knew that the FN SCAR was originally going to be chambered for three rounds, 5.56x45mm NATO, 7.62x51mm NATO, and 7.62x39mmR.

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For Christmas I got Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land and I got angry birds on my new phone.

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Grabbed my copy of Sants Row The Third today, next on my list is Skyrim and Serious Sam 3.

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Bastion, Bulletstorm, Valve complete collection, Deus Ex GotY, Deus Ex Invisible War, Dino D-Day, Fallout 3 GotY, Killing Floor, Magicka, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, The Sims 3, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II.

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I got four new games for Christmas.

Mario Kart 7

Fallout New Vegas

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Batman Arkham City

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Grabbed my copy of Sants Row The Third today, next on my list is Skyrim and Serious Sam 3.


Got 'em both for Steam.

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Skyrim... i learned do not mess around... dragons find you

Im also playing PROFFESAH LAYTON dear god everything reminds him of a puzzle but its fun too.

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I just recently got Skyrim and Mass Effect 2. I'll say, both games are ridiculously amazing. Now I can actually shed blood and not feel like a psychopath, thank you Skyrim! As for Mass Effect 2, it is my favourite game of all time! I can't wait for number three. It's part cinematic and part third person space combat. SO AWESOME!

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