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Venom's core


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When you fight Andross' true form, the already strange green dimension that his head was in some how goes to this odd blueish background. What exactly is it? What is that stuff in the background? Why does Venom's core look so odd? Is it an endless void, or is it a projection?

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To my belief, the green gaseous stchuff took place in the last part of the fight, just with the giant projectors all around the sides working. The only reason its off when you fight the brain is because of the explosion caused when you destroyed Androsses bioweapon face. and in all honesty, it cant logically be Venom's actual core, the gravity from its mass would crush anything in it.

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i agree, and you honestly traveled there to fast, its probobly just a chamber deep in venom's crust, a fitting place for andross to luanch his attacks from.

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Well, looks like columns with violet-ish things in between. Looks damn physical to me! :D

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A big room underground with, as it seems to me, flashing, purple lights.

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I don't know. It just gives me this weird alternate/weird dimension kind of feeling. :P And that is one huge completely black floor.

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That room would have to be big beyond compare. I mean really, a ship traveling that fast? a massive massive underground room. Maybe its just one giant drug trip.

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The room is so big and weird looking so it scares the daylights out of little kids and makes the situation seem more urgent. :?

However, according to the logic introduced in Assault (my opinion here) the G-diffusers (gravity-diffuser) enables the Arwing to come to a complete stop in mid-air and move around a slower speeds (and also move at warp speeds) so the chamber does not have to go on forever...ur just flying a little slower.

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You don't fly slower in the room, it's just that your flight zone is limited. But still, since the walls don't look like they're closer from wherever you can look, it must be a hell of a room! :D

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Andross doin' Andross shit.

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Andross doin' Andross shit.

Pretty much.

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It was always my understanding, that it's a room. It's too well structured to be a core, and geographically impossible seeing as how quick it took to get there. But it's a very nice room, lots of explosions.

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I never really thought too much of it because it seemed irrelevant.

Unfortunately im one of those people who over think everything XD

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Unfortunately im one of those people who over think everything XD

Everyone gets like that sometimes :P

The room could have been designed to trap Fox down there. Thus the elaborate tunnels leading to Andross.

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Perhaps the purple things are columns and columns of computers controlling mass amounts of Robots? Or just like, pieces of one massive computer.

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Perhaps the purple things are columns and columns of computers controlling mass amounts of Robots? Or just like, pieces of one massive computer.

I was thinking something along those lines too, like a command center. It has to be big, because look how big andross' head is. But i guess we'll never know

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The most confusing part is that when you fly towards the wall it doesn't get bigger, flying around makes me confused as there's no point of reference, it's driving a car down a main road, and that's fine but it looks like the houses were moving with you...

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The most confusing part is that when you fly towards the wall it doesn't get bigger, flying around makes me confused as there's no point of reference, it's driving a car down a main road, and that's fine but it looks like the houses were moving with you...

don't you use the map?

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Well yes but it's disorientating, there's no obstacles in the actual map anyway, just a blank empty space. Andross is ridiculously easy, just fly around to the bottom of that 'B' on the map. I doubt that even Slippy would have had trouble in this boss fight, if it wasn't for the 'not knowing that I'm about to fly off of the edge of the map unless I look at my radar' feature.

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