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How did you find out about SF-O.


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Found it by joining the Krystal Archive Board, via the links at the KA. k_e_smile.gif

Gooooood times. :cool:

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Apparently, I've been a member since July 2008, though I only recently rediscovered my account last May.

I'm pretty sure summer 2008 was when I was just beginning to think about doing fanfiction. I just graduated from High School and had a ton of free time on my hands and not much to do with it. I toyed with the idea of fanfiction for a while, but didn't really know how or where to begin, or even if to begin. So I believe I first made this account as a means to "scout out the fandom", to "get a feel for the community" before I began writing for it. You see, I actually never got really deep into Star Fox until I decided I was going to write a backstory for it.

As far as I can tell, most fanfic writers (for Star Fox at least) were rabid fans long before they put pen to paper, whereas I came the other direction. Two of my favorite classes in high school were the Science Fiction, and Classic Lit. courses. I'd played the Games, enjoyed them to an extent, but that was about it; at the time, I was (and still am to a certain extent) a hardcore Smasher. After taking the Science Fiction course, I looked at Star Fox again with new eyes, and discovered a few fairly significant "missing puzzle pieces" that completely altered the way I looked at the series, and produced the kernel that ultimately became Star Fox: Legacy.

Then I forgot about this place for a few years, and rediscovered it when I tried to register here, only to find my usual user name was "already in use"

Anyway, that's the novella of how I came to be here. :-)

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After i rekindled my love of the games, I found aL. From there, I moved here. This was in....'08 I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was here originally trying to gain exposure and a larger fanbase for my starfox trilogy. Then about a year later, i was talking to Asper on dA, and he sent me a link to here, and I ended up sticking around this time :)

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I think I was just googleing some star fox stuff and I came across SFO that way. Google images if I'm not mistaken.

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I heard of the forum somewhere, not sure where though, then...

Google Web > Star Fox Online > Starts lurking the forum for months > Joins > Here I am.

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Well, I was on the internet one day, me, just a typical EAC. Then i typed in "Star Fox Forum" and this was the first thing that came up, so i got in, registered. Enter Elite.

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Well, I was on the internet one day, me, just a typical EAC. Then i typed in "Star Fox Forum" and this was the first thing that came up, so i got in, registered. Enter Elite.

i remember you joining :P

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It was early 2007 when I found this place, God it's changed so much since then.

I was bored one night, and I just randomly typed in Star Fox into the iTunes Store search bar, and that's when I came across the SFOCast and Krystal Archive Podcast when they were in full swing. I listened to them both, liked what I heard, and then I decided to join.

It's strange how a random act of boredom can change everything.

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Wow...Let me think...I was on Wikipedia once reading about Starfox history, and eventually it started talking about the "Starfox comics," which got me really curious. So I tried looking it up, and stumbled upon Arwing Landing, which apparently had them up in English. After a while I started to think, (lol...I was like, 11 then, :rolleyes: ) that I wanted to blab about Starfox there because it apparently had a forum...I was so young and stupid...In a way, I wish I never joined there. That's right...(If you guys didn't know already,) I was Wigglywiggler...Some of you might have known me...

After a while of being there, I noticed the Starfox TAS project. Then eventually, when the site for the project was up, I looked at it's links to other Starfox sites. It was then that I discovered SF-O. I stuck around AL...Until I had to leave for certain reasons. (No, I was not banned, though I'm surprised I wasn't...) When I left that, I came to SF-O, and I've been here ever since.

So now the truth comes out...When I joined AL and SF-O...I was under aged. But it was okay, because I got permission from my Father that it was fine. No, I'm not under aged anymore, and for the most part, I'm not as idiotic as I was then...

Ahem, so, that's my story. Waaaaaay :razz:

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It's a really awkward story, really, I don't remember a lot of details, but I was certainly new to the World Wide Web as a way of life. Compared to most people, I'm pretty new to the internet.

I think it was on 2005 when I got my first laptop, since back then I had a crappy computer that didn't even have internet. Before that, I tried my luck with internet communities back on 2002, but I had a really bad experience because my English was extremely basic. Anyways, back on 2005 when I got dial-up, I began to surf on the net again, and since I was a crazy teenager obsessed with nintendo franchises, the first place I visited was nintendo.com. I recently had bought starfox assault, which was the first starfox game I owned. Back when I was a kid on the old 90s, I really never got interested on starfox games, even though I played the snes and N64 versions quite a lot with friends. Silly enough, I bought Assault because of an article I read on a magazine, I dunno, the game looked really interesting to me back then, I also had spare cash and had no other games in mind. Anyways, back on nintendo.com, I went to register my product and all my other gamecube games that had codes on them. After I was ready to keep surfing the net, I stumbled some forums in the nintendo domain, and my curiosity grew wild.

I discovered fanfics on the nintendo forums, and the idea of people making decent stories out of nintendo characters sounded as good material to read. I remember I started browsing for Zelda stories first, but all I got was decent looking comic pieces and some weird crazy stories about link going to space. My next subject to look for, if I recall well, was F-zero, but I didn't find anything interesting or relevant, and so, starfox came down the list. And then it happened....

No, I didn't find SF-O, I found something else, a site, which name I don't remember, with a crapload of fanfics, most of them were starfox related. All was well until the comics started to rise up from pg-13 to mature without notice. As a side note, I had no idea what furry was, what yiff meant, or any other furry-culture related words, after all, I was basically new to the net, and my english was still crappy enough. Yes, I thought the word "yiff" was either a full english word with meaning or something anime related. Funny enough, most stuff there had no title, just "here's my fanfic, read it!". Yeah, I pretty much stumbled into one of those "Krystal in the shower" stories, which ended up redirecting me to the KLA. On the KLA, I made an account , and finally got to realize what furry, and later on, what yiff meant. One of the members there, Lupine Shawn, sent me a message and we started chatting over msn I believe, he then redirected me to SF-O since I told him I wanted something less gruesome on the eyes, because the whole furry thing was still an awkward subject.

Here on SF-O, I was greeted by XG fox, who was one of the old admins of the site and the rest is story for another day :-P. Funny enough, thanks to the called "worst aspects of the furry subculture" I got to find SF-O, on the same day, I tried AL, but I thought it was too big for me. SF-O felt small and cozy and I didn't have a hard time cooping in even though my English was still sub-par. I ended up leaving the KLA after topics like "how would krystal go to the bathroom?" started to appear.

Even though I was spooked and tricked by furries and places like the KLA, I owe them most of the good things happening in my life right now. Oh the irony.

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I'm pretty sure i just found SFO through someone on aL; signed up for an account a few years ago but never used it until now.

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I did a Google search for good StarFox fan sites. I read the articles for a while when we were still on wordpress, and joined the forums a little later.

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I think the first time I visited here was in 2008 after I had a big nostalgia boom. I had never particularly loved Starfox before, but for some reasons I was looking at old games to play, I stumbled on Starfox and started to look around the web for infos. I got hooked once I read the back story, the old 1993 Nintendo Power comics, along with all the other comics.

After reading all that stuff on Starfox, I needed to find more stuff to read, I searched around the net looking for good fanfics on the pre-64 era. It turns out there was a thread here about "Phoenix:from the ashes" and a couple more on SFO.

I only recently joined SFO since AL is slowly agonizing, and also since someone started a thread on the Starfox mod I'm working on( coincidentally, pretty much since July 2008 ). :-)

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I think I happened to look around here when I was looking for an SF community and remembered that DZ (who I know from the SoL Team) owns this one. I've been on AL too, for years, but rather idle, I kinda never felt like home there... :/

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Found it from the KA, stalked the site for a bit before finally signing up for an account, barely used the account, got TF2 working again, found the server, became popular, came back. Oorah.

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*Sigh* Damn those furries and their trickery...

Yes, Damn them

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*point's at general milky* HE MADE ME DO IT!!!!

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When I was little I used to play Starfox 64 with my older brothers, but when they moved out they took the N64 with them and I sorta forgot about Starfox for awhile. Then last February I was playing Super Smash Brothers Melee, and I was playing as Fox likely I normally do, and I started thinking about the series again. Then a couple weeks later I found used copies of Assault and Adventures in pretty good condition and got them. That pretty much brought back my interest in the series, I was looking someting up on google about it, and the stumbled across here in April, looked around for a couple days, then joined.

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