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Total Killfest


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I grab the items you bought and choke you with them. :)

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I destroy you with a light switch.

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I drill through your skull with a stick of butter.

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I gobble you down like Kirby would. Gobblegobblegobble

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Rip you into shreds then roast you over and open fire

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I beat Rusheo to death with a twig.

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Orders some Hecu Marines to shoot you with a German Flak 88.

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Beats the user using a cutting weapon as a impact weapon

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Lures the user down a hallway, but I disapear. As you walk through the hallway, you explode, being hit by a camoflaged S.L.A.M. mine.


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Defeats you with the Awesome theme of "The Halls of Montezuma".

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I kill you by bad cooking ... and a bit of poison!

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I kill you by knocking you out and throwing you into a garbage compacter.

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sets you on fire with Vuvuzela then beats you with a crowbar

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Grabs a B2 Spirit Bomber and bombs the living crap out of you.

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beats you with a diamond hoe then turns you into bread

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Gives the user above a GRANADAcube, which explodes, sending shrapnel throughout his body killing him.

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Jumps on the user and starts ripping his organs tissues and skin off with claws like le hunter

Jumps on the user and starts ripping his organs tissues and skin off with claws like le hunter

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Grabs a striker shotgun and unloads on the ser above, even after he is dead.

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Grabs an MP5 and blasts the user in the face with the entire mag.

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I slash and stab you with my pencil.

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