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Total Killfest


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Grabs a shotgun, rams it up your rear end and pulls the trigger mulitple times until you are a bloody mess.

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Grabs the user, shoves him in an absorbion reactor, and sucks all of his chaos energy lifeforce into a weapon.

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*holds the only JFK Commemorative coin ever made over a pit of acid* Before you is a knife, if you don't stab yourself, i will drop this coin

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*collapses from this show of dishonour and loses grip of the coin which falls* (i had a heart attack, Rey has a heart attack, we both killed each other. Situation controlled. Who want's ice cream?)


*puts snake venom in the ice cream*

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Gives the user above the ice cream back. I don't eat ice cream anymore. (I really dont in real life.alot of the food I used to eat, I don't eat anymore)

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(ok i'm out of ideas, be back later)

*leaves the ice cream out*

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Grabs a Gauss Rifle and shoot you n the leg, propelling you off into the grand Canyon.

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(Thanks :)) Breaks all your bones in your bones and stuffs you into a vending machine.

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Dammit! That's the SECOND time!

*Breaks a printer over Reynard's head*

*savagely beats Reynard's unconscious body with a spiked club*

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Hogties you to a long metal bear trap, and runs you over repaetedly with the Mako.

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Buys a nuke from russia for 20 grand and hits the user with it

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Laughs at the user,"Russia nukes suck ***, they would explode before you could even try using it. More or less buy it."

Grabs a BDRM and shreds you with its machine guns.

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*Shoots Rusheo with a Battlemech-mounted Railgun*

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Dangles the user from above the water tower using his blood vessels as marionette stings.

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