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Total Killfest


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Is brought back with the T-virus and Uses Rhino Charge to kill you:

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licks knife and slashes the users face into peices then shoots kneecaps and imaples with spikes

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Contacts Adams AirForce base and calls a orbital strike on your position as well as the surounding area.

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(Good god! I'm gone a few hours, and two more pgs get added! You guys really got into this!)

I beat Reynard to death with a plastic coke bottle.

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Beats the user above teh head with the board of education (fallout 3)

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Covinces the user above to walk through the radiation cloud infront of vault 108, assuring him it isnt lethal by using Lying Congressional Style >:D

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...fking vault and its 300 rads a seecond

Hits the user on the back of the head with golfclub

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Grabs a PSG-1 and snipes the user in the knee caps so he bleeds out.

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takes out a a chain saw and starts sawing off the users head then takes the chainsaw and cuts in half

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Calls in Liberty Prime to toss a Nuke at the user above, detonating on impact.

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I stab Reynard to death with a pencil. Repeatedly.

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Sprays acid all over HE's armored suit so it plaster/melts onto his skin, killing his nerves and all feeling to his body-killing him most painfully.

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I would beat you to death with my paycheck, but that sexy sexy image of wesker stopped me, so ill bludgen you to death with a clawhammer

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Kicks the user in the back then slowly stabs heel further into his spine

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Kicks the user behind the knee and shoots them right between the eyes with a Plasma Defender.

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smashes reynard with a giant cookie and makes him get squished by a giant jar of peanut butter

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Grabs a Ripper and saws off important areas of your body, so you bleed out in pain.

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Shoots the user in the mouth with a shotgun then repeaditly shoots the user constantly with pistols while he is on the ground

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Dawns Enclave Hellfire trooper armor and helmet, and uses the Heavy Incinerator to burn the user alive.

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snaps reynards neck then drags his body across a pile of spikes impailing you making sure you are still alive puts lemon juice and salt on your cuts then finishes you off with a RPG to the face

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