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Total Killfest


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I cancel the Friendship is Magic episodes. And if the above isn't a brony, i think of something else. Like a hand grenade

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You shall pay for your cancellation.



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Jumps in Metal Gear Rex metalgearrex_2.jpg and vaporize you with it's Railgun.

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As Reynard remains in the Metal Gear Rex. Rainbow Dash comes and destroys you with rainbow powers & with a sonic boom!

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Just as Jesse's Rainbow Dash is executing it's attack, Kirby appears from nowhere and swallows Jesse, Reynard and everybody involved in the above fight. He then becomes you by stealing your soul and goes on to kill you (what? this is the kill thread, not the ultimate battle thread... actually... we need one...)

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Grabs an Orbital Strike Beacon and sticks in in your pants and runs like hell.

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Gets help from Princess Celestia and sends Reynard,


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I get Ezio to assassinate you from behind in a haystack (LEAP OF FAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...)

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I get a squadron of Vertibrids and they all drop Plasma bombs and shoot mini nukes on your postion.

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I get the Archdemon from Dragon Age: Origins to kill you by just generally killing you.

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Gets the invincible Boba Fett to shoot you, blow you up, throw you off a platform into an ocean and chucks you into the Sarlacc Pit.

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(lol nice star wars kill, fury)

I kill Fury with Death.

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I hit a ? Block, a Yoshi egg pops out. I hereby jump onto Yoshi and proceed to eat you.

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I feed Fury to a Rancor.

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I burn you to death with a ... fire.

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I destroy High Executor with Jigglypuff's sleeping ability.

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NO I'm allergic to adorableness! :troll:

I hit Furygun with a crowbar to the head!

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shoots the user in the stomach arm and in the brain with arrows

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I get Indiana Jones to whip you into nothingness.

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I throw a rabid cat at you. You get rabies and die.

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I crush you by squishing your brain in-between two lego bricks.

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