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What would you do if...


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I would ask another doctor to operate on the other five patients and I will donate my own healthy ones for them. That way I saved everyone without doing harm to anyone else but myself.

What would you do if everyone is angry at you for something you didn't do, but was only framed - up?

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Find evidence to prove my innocence.

On a similar vein, what would you do if a group of people were trying to frame you so everyone hated you?

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I would try and record everything I do. If they framed me up for something I did I will have very solid proof of my innocence

What would you do if a group of bullies forces you to do something you don't really like to, like eat poop?

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If this could not be settled peacefully. A) secure a nearby weapon (if possible) and start swinging. If no weapon can be found, try to incapacitate as many as possible (some crotch kicks possibly) quickly before escaping. When the numbers are against you, use whatever advantage you can.

What would you do, if you were the Stig

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I AM the senate sig!

What would you do if you lost all connection with the outside world?

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I'd probably grab my tin-foil hat and sit in a corner for the remainder of my days. Either that, or play Skyrim. :)

What would you do if your chair collapsed at this very moment?

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I would continue to do what I was doing as I would not be sitting on the chair when it collasped.

What would you do if given a choice between cake or pie (or something else) to eat now?

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I'd probably take the cake, though I would hope it isn't a lie! :P

What would you do if all of your game-related save data disappeared?

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Edit: Did I just got :ninja: 'd?

I would cry... :(

What would you do if Do had a million dollars... Canadian :troll:

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[Ninja'd! :ninja: ]

I'd probably see what the exchange-rates were. If they were low then I'd have some incredible toilet-paper! :troll:

What would you do if there was no way out of your home?

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Is my house number "1408" or any combination of numbers adding up to 13?

Yes- Burn the place down!

No- Say "Oh, NO!!!" And wait for the Cool-aid man.

What would you do if you had the chance to space travel and go enywhere you wanted? But if you leave, this planet would be destroyed!

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I'd probably just stay here; who knows if there are any other decent, habitable places out there that have a short travel-time? :lol:

What would you do if you had a chance to become your fursona, but you'd be visible to all?

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I would very quickly make my sucessful getaway after killing a certain blue-fur creature with a powerful sniper rifle four thousand yards away and discard my disguise. I would never to be seen again as who they think they saw me disguised as.

What would you do if you have a choice to eat only between beef and poultry for an entire week?

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I'd choose poultry, no doubt about it! :P

What would you do if your car broke down on the side of the freeway?

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Call triple A and wait for the tow truck.

What would you do if you were in the same scenario... but in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse and with only a .22 pistol and 6 rounds?


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Shoot four of the six at the zombies and shoot myself twice; if I don't die with one I've got a spare! :lol:

What would you do if a sinkhole threatened to swallow up your home?

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  On 2/12/2012 at 12:00 PM, rebel_gunman said:

I AM the senate sig!

What would you do if you lost all connection with the outside world?

The STIG not the SIG! Ever seen Top Gear?

And if a sinkhole threatened to swallow my home? I would attempt to stop it, depending on the composition of it. If not, take as much as i could out of the house, and get my insurance ready.

If you were allowed to hear James Earl Jones speak one line of any of his films, which one would you choose?

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"I find your lack of faith disturbing"

What would you do if you were any TF2 character?

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I'd probably stand around, get shot, and then respawn. :lol:

What would you do if your internet connection went out and your cable-company was unable to rectify the problem for several weeks?

[i know, first world problems, :lol: ]

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Been there... I just wait it out and go out into the real world... after calmly receiving the news.

What would you do if your fursona became real and the government was hunting him/her down for "research"?

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I'd do anything that I could to help him out within reason; I'm certainly not going to be the one to take a bullet for him. :lol:

What would you do if the buliding you were in collapsed at this very moment?

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taking a deep breath after getting out of the collasped building.

What would you do chose if you could get unlimited candy but of only one kind?

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  • 3 weeks later...

[i guess this one is a tough decision for everyone? :/ ]


What would you do if next time you woke up, you actually woke up inside your dreams and your dreams were the real life reality! *Twilight Zone theme playing* :nervous:

PS: Sucks if you suffer from night terrors :troll:

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I would probably try to go back to sleep, unless that dream was furry-related, :lol:

What would you do if your computer spontaneously combusted? :)

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I would drop my blanket on it to smother the fire, then salvage whatever parts still worked.

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself stuck inside a computer mainframe?

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