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What would you do if...


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i meant the zombie Charger from L4D

Ooh, well then I'd do what I said for charging chucks :troll:

And if I had to spend it in a day or 2 I'd drive to London because it has the biggest marketplace (well around here anyway) and spendspendspend, probably some on the house, give some to my friends and family, some on a new computer and maybe some on charity.

What would you do if all of the doors or windows you try to open ever, whether it's in your home or at work, just don't open no matter what you did?

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Well, in that case, I probably wouldn't go very far, huh?

What would you do if you were on a plane and you got stuck next to a baby that cries non stop? (the flight is 9 hours)

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Put some sort of muzzle on it and punch it if that didn't work.

What would you do if you got round house kicked by Chuck Norris?

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Probably cease to exist.

what would you do if Valve could count to 3?

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I would wait patiently for them to figure out that they need to create games such as Half-Life: Episodes 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Portal 3 (maybe) and possibly Team Fortress 3.

What would you do if you saw someone wearing a suit and a ski mask downtown?

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Leave downtown, preferably without being seen.

What would you do, if you got a ticket to see a NFL game in North Carolina?

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I would give it to the neighbor by me since he really enjoys football

What would you do if you ran all of the walmarts?

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I'd change their name to the same thing in all countries around the world (over here it's just called 'ASDA', and then in small text it says 'Part of the Walmart family')

What would you do if you were forced to watch all the episodes of Family Guy and American Dad back-to-back?

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Enjoi eet.

what would you do if you had 1 million dollahs?

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Spend it on stuff i want save some for collage, then go on a spending spree?

What would you do if zombies were attacking our family? (PRESS A!)

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what would you do if you didnt have a computer?

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I would probably be working a lot

What would you do if you were in the night mare on elm street movie?

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Live on coffee and Pro Plus in an attempt to stay awake, and watch a load of badass action films in the vain hope that the badassery will transfer to my dream state should Freddy come in my sleep.

What would you discovered a way to become 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat?

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Sell it to the masses; may as well get rich in the process! :D

What would you do if your roof caved in?

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Gaze warily at the wreckage and Remark "must be Tuesday"

What would you do if you found Twenty dollars on the ground?

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keep it, despite people always saying they'd return the money, unless it's in a wallet, returning a single bill is practically impossible.

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What would you do if you had no friends?

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I would probably become a basement dweller.

What would you do if you got attacked by Nyan Cat?

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I would jump into my Mario Kart and drive off down Rainbow Road.

What would you do if you one day just blinked on your way to work/school and when you opened your eyes you were on Corneria?

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I would be shocked and marvel at the sight, wondering what I should do.

What would you do if you were forced to watch a really stupid 3 hour long movie all the way through?

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Pretend it was actually 4 hours, so when i finished it 3 hours in, i would be happy that it wasn't 4 hours.

what would you do if you were Luigi.

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I would revel in my awesomeness, turn into Mr. L and suck up some ghosts! (Luigi is my idol)

What would you do if Mario was killed, Luigi became the main char of Mario games and somebody called Craig was used for 2 player games?

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I would be PISSED.

Wut wood yew doo if errywun tawked liek dis?

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I would punch everyone in the face.

What would you do if you went to a party and woke up in Antarctica the next morning?

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I would be really scared, cold, and try and find my way back home.

What would you do if FIM suddenly never existed on the web anymore? (I, personally, would be glad...WHAT'S WITH THE PONY'S?!)

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