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What would you do if...


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I wouldn't really be affected that much.

What would you do if the USS Mesa Verde suddenly sank?

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What would you do if Starfox revolved around Slippy.

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I wouldn't like it as much but i would still buy them

What would you do if found a pineapple on the bus?

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Take it to the conductor and ask who's pineapple it was.

What would you do if you won £500? (Roughly $806)

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repair the wall, then buy myself a replica title belt

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^he didn't ask a question

What would you do if you had the fastest car in the world?

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Crash it

What would you if you had nothing to do?

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What would you do if Aliens beamed you to their spacecraft?

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I would try to get out, and take over the spaceship.

What would you do if you could do magic (I don't mean magic tricks I mean like actual magic like make objects float etc.)

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Piss around with random people while invisible. =P

What would you do if you had 20 minutes to spend an infinite supply of money?

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^can you say "buyout apple, and destroy the company...?"

wha would you do if apple took over the world?

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Take a bite out of it...

What would you do if the internet crashes world wide!

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I would ponder the advantages and disadvantages of such.

What would you do, if your boss fired you unfairly (If you don't have a job, we'll just pretend you do)

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I would ask him why and probably take him to court.

What would you do if the pants you were wearing suddenly exploded on you?

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Probably lose consciousness, if i'm lucky. Otherwise i'd make my best effort to call for medical assistance.

What would you do if HK-47 appeared at your door?

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I'd shut the door on him, since I have no idea who that is. lol

What would you do if.....skittles?

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I would eat them, or bowl with them, whatever.

What do you think you would do with your time if you didn't play video games?

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Sit in a corner and count the particles of dust that float by in the sunlight.

What would you do if you walked outside and fourteen traffic-cops were waiting to write you tickets for parking violations?

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I would tell them that it was obviously someone impersonating me as I don't have a car.

What would you do if you pushed a slinky down a flight f stairs and it caught on fire when it reached the end?

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Quickly try and put it out.

What would you do if you dropped your computer?

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Probably strangle you until money, for surgery, appears. That's how things work in real life, right? :lol:

What would you do if I sang outta' tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? ( :-P)

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Lol, I would stop singing.

What would you do if you were having this wonderful dream and right when it got to the best part you rolled out of your bed and fell on your cat?

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Realize I don't own a cat and wonder what the hell I fell on! :lol:

What would you do if all of the electricity on your street suddenly went out?

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Make do.

What would you do if you needed your phone call and suddenly you couldn't talk? (hurr durr, u see wut I did there)

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