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"The Road Warriors" Discussion thread.

Asper Sarnoff

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I, too, must take a break. Asper, old friend, I must apologize for this - though it has passed, my... incident has left me a bit shaken. I'll recover, but not right away.

That's why I said it was good timing for a break. Take the time you need, we're here for you.

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Sorry for the double post folks. Need to wrap up a couple loose ends before I make my leave.

I won't be taking part in this RP anymore. If by any chance someone else wants to pick up the torch and carry it on, then feel free to do so. If not, ask the mods to close it.

It's been a pleasure playing with you guys, and I hope we one day can sit down to roleplay again.

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If you want this RP to continue, I would like to submit my request to continue. It is the least I can do, old friend.

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