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Way too late for Star Fox Wii, it seems...


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No it wasn't. It was a remake.

Actually...Yeah, that's what it was. Thank you for the correction.

...what? Remaking the game over and over again would be boring as hell.

Well, I take that back. What I meant was, don't try and do something stupid like Starfox Adventures and Assault where there's tacked on gameplay. Just stick with on rail shooting.

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Well, I take that back. What I meant was, don't try and do something stupid like Starfox Adventures and Assault where there's tacked on gameplay. Just stick with on rail shooting.

Thing is, there's not as much demand for on-rail shooters any longer. The general audience demands more, at least if it's on console. If Starfox doesn't want to fade too much into the background and cult scene along with most on-railers, they'll need to branch out to other forms of gameplay to some degree. But unlike for example Assault, it needs to be done right, not something that keeps on recycling the same "destroy all spawners"-missions over and over and over again.

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^ I agree. I wonder what Nintendo will have in store for Starfox...I just hope they don't screw the series up.

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Here is what they need to do. Make Star Fox a little bit more like Halo. I.e more mature and more cinemtic, relationship centered. Not too much swearing and vulgarity, just not have it take itself more seriously. Have character development and interesting stories. For example, what was Pigmas relationship with James and Peppy? Was he ever their friend, and did they ever like him? Did he actually turn evil with andross, or was he always a selfish opportunist?

As I said, more of a SF backstory, and more interesting levels and enemies, ( but still keep starfwolf). If we here on this forum are vocal enough, I am sure Nintendo will listen

Edited by DZComposer
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Why are you typing in subscript? That's hella hard for some people to read.

You also lost me at "make Star Fox like Halo". No. Star Fox is Star Fox, it's not Generic Space FPS #36.

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Only like Halo in style not in substance. Just not as "kiddie" as assault, more focus on relationships, growth, etc. More interesting levels, etc. Also Nintendo will listen to us all if we type and petition enough so no danger of starfox dying out.. I hope...

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Nintendo never listens to petitions, and there's not enough hardcore Star Fox fans to make a difference.

When Star Fox tried to "more focus on relationships" we got Command. I agree that they need to fix their character development, but it's not a matter of being "too kiddie", it's just a matter of not having dumbass writers.

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Hmmm. Well I hope it does not go the way of F-zero, and Metroid, nostalgic games that no longer have any market value. And if not nintendo we at least have Fredryk Phox. That animated series is looking nice.

Do you think it is fairly likely Nintendo will discontinue this? I somewhat do.. :( ...

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That last Metroid kinda sucked, though from what I've been told...My brother bought it, beat it, then sold it at gamestop. He said the gameplay was interesting, but he hated the story. Pretty much everyone else agreed.

But now that I think about it, this is sorta off topic...But I just wanted to point that out, anyways.

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@ Drasnia. Though I never played it command looked like rotten game. Was SNES game any good? It was a little bit before my time.

If Nintendo drags its feet for too long, someone could always make their own video game with actors and everything, and just not make a profit off it, so nintendo cant get them.

Isnt that the reason Freddy Phox's starfox is safe from Nintendos lawyers?

At bare minimum, non falco love intersts ( Amanda, Krystal) should be scrapped, or relegated out of sight

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Yes, SNES was good. It was the game that launched the series.

Fred's cartoon can get away with it because it doesn't make a profit, yes, but it can also be counted for Fair Use parody in the United States. Fanfiction and fanart in general aren't technically legal by copyright laws, however most creators are flattered by it and see it as a form of advertisement so won't say anything about it. However, if a creator does not want fanart or fiction to be made of their works, they will say so, and sites like fanfiction.net generally take them down.

I agree that "non-Falco" (I assume you're referring to Katt) love interests be dealt with. The reason why Katt works is because her character has more function than "the love interest". She flirted with Falco (and Fox, actually), but they weren't together and the goal of her existence within the game was not them getting together. She was independant and useful. Krystal and Amanda exist as something for Fox and Slippy to make googly-eyes at, and Amanda was more of a gag character than anything.

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I hope they lay off his cartoon. It looks great.

Though she served a function, I remember liking her substantially less as a child, than I did Bill Grey ( still one of my favorites)

Maybe because she was just sort of flirty and annoying. For being only female character in SF64 ( except Slippy maybe) She should have had more than just a "hey hey" personality. But I like her well enough now.

Drasny, do you write fanfic or anything like it? Whats your "story" so to speak?

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I dunno, despite Katt being flirty, she still had the bonus of having single-handedly escaped Andross and stolen one of his ships and being a gang member. That's a fun contrast to her flirty nature; she flirts, but she isn't a bimbo.

This is a biiit off-topic, but this topic keeps happening over and over again so eh. I used to write fanfiction but stopped for a while once I became a semi-professional (I'm not sure how to gauge this) screenwriter. I guess I still kind of write fanfiction in the form of spec scripts and I like tooling around with fanfic ideas but projects I'm actually producing take precedence.

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Are you involved with Fredphox's stuff? What sort of projects? And what is your fanfic name, so as I can read your well writen stories?

Sorry if this sounds interrogating..... :|

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I'm a voice actor and...story consultant...thing...for Fred. Projects-wise, I write short films, feature films, television (pilots and existing specs, the latter of which is pretty much script-format fanfiction), and sketch comedy, and I've also done documentaries, music videos and games. I do prose as well but not as much recently. Occasionally poems but I'm not particularily serious about it. Genre-wise I'll write...pretty much anything, though I've generally stayed away from romantic comedies and straight-up dramas. Of what I write, it's mostly just been the short films, music videos, docs and sketches produced, but I have some other things in the works that...well, we'll see what happens there.

I'd give you my fanfiction.net account except the fics there are several years old by now and kind of embarassing to read. I'd show you some of my produced work, but that would mean giving up my name... ;)

PM me for other questions though, I don't want to make this topic the Drasiana Show D:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last Star Fox sucked too, that doesn't mean it didn't exist :I

Yeah, I wasn't suggesting that. I was just saying that it's kinda not doing so good in that department...As is Starfox. Though Starfox's last game was probably the best Starfox game in the series, to be quite honest. Guh, Nintendo really should do something with Starfox instead of just letting it sit around, and then every once in a while dust it off.

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Haha, yes, Starfox 64 3D. ;) It is after all the latest game, is it not?

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It is technically but I never count it because it's just a remake D:

But yeah...I do agree it was the best one.

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