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Fanfic dissapointment


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Well some really bad ones, that aren't necessarily gross do get popular. I'm looking at the whole library of our friend squirrelking the infamous author of Half-Life:Full life consequence : http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1047027/

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My Immortal, HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, and Hogwarts Exposed to name a few.

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Are we going to start a "Mystery Science Theater 3000" for fanfics now? if so, I can pretty much guarantee there won't be a shortage of material to snark at. :lol:

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Good Sir's, Chaos Leader has proposed an interesting quandery.

Would anyone like to do something akin to that? Ive already begun on some of the local starfox Crap if you guiz wanna join in, or start something compleatly diffrent.


I post passage and we make a few comments then move ion to next passage?

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I thought a while back that lambasting bad fanfiction could be pretty fun, but I was too lazy to ever take it anywhere.

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Same actually, a few months back I was traipsing through fanfic.net to find some good SF stuff, and started to make a vague list of all the cliches, overused plot twists and ludicrously out of character examples. I suddenly had an idea to create a parody fanfic, the Naked Gun or airplane of fanfics if you will, but I was unsure how best to make it funny and wasn't sure if it would just come off as incoherent and stupid.

I may Persue it another time, I don't know, but I'm far too bogged down with college to think anything creative up right now. MST3K style riffing could be an interesting and easier alternative though, but it's the problem of how do you do running commentary on written text? :/

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^ Parody fics already exist in great abundance. Some of them are funny, some of them aren't.

I mentioned MST3K jokingly, just for lulz, but that actually might be a really neat thing to have here in the fanficion boards. In fact, I might go ahead and start up that thread sometime in the fairly near future.

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I'd contribute on occasion. I enjoy a good scathing review every now and then.

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well, it depends on assets. Harry Potter is more fleshed out and expansive than the Star Fox Universe. I wish it were not so. Thus, they have more options. Star Fox writers have what they have and have to work with it. Good and bad stories occur from both, it's just the way the cards are dealt.

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  • 2 months later...

Having less fanfiction available for Star Fox and Harry Potter isn't something to complain about. In fact, it's something to be somewhat grateful for.

Look at some of the most popular genres: Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, DBZ, (the list goes on...)

Those fanfc genres are overflowing with submissions, but because so many people write fics for it, the more amateur and sometimes bad quality fics there will be. The average reader will be tried to scan page after page of fanfic lists in that genre, before getting ultimately exhausted from looking for more good stories for it.

Now, take a less popular but still active genre like Star Fox. True, there aren't too many in this genre to keep up with the big genres above, but there's a good chance that with a plot and fan popularity like Star Fox, better and less generic writers will emerge to improve upon it, some of them making some of the best fanfiction on the internet. Think about it...how many Harry Potter or DBZ fics out of the millions that exist, have you read any you actually enjoyed? Now, do that with the hundreds of Star Fox fics, and tell me how many you've enjoyed reading.

It's quality over quantity with Star Fox. Make the connections. ;)

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actually i'd say most Star Fox fanfiction is also crap.

Sturgeon's Law brooks no appeal.

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@ Uno.

Agreed. Too much of it written by ADD addled middle schoolers, too many with fan made characters, too many "what ifs" that can be rather tedious and unsatsifying to read.

However, my own fanfic, SF Genesis breaks this generality completly ( as do many others!)

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I still think we should be making fun of fanfiction. Public usage and all of that.

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I still think we should be making fun of fanfiction. Public usage and all of that.

In that case, there's a topic for that very purpose: :mrgreen:

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I once read only a single good Starfox fanfic.

It was waaaaay back on Rita LaShette's site, it was some kind of FINAL STAND OF STARFOX sort of deal. It was chock full of SNES and N64 game throwbacks, it dived into the nature of James in the space whale, it dived into Andross's backstory, and some other cool beans. My only real complaint with it was that Star Wolf all sorta died in the cold open chapter, which was durr.

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Honestly the only good Star Fox fanfiction I can even think of is a oneshot Uno wrote about Wolf a million years ago

I remember my FIRST Star Fox fanfiction (introduction to the world of fanfiction, eeugh..) which was not terribly good in hindsight and was about ANDREA, DAUGHTER OF ANDROSS or something, but I was like 9 and was so excited because STAR FOX so I printed it out but obsessively hid it from my mom because the characters said "damn" and "hell" in it.

good times

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pfeh. first Star Fox fanfic i can ever recall reading involved Fox, Fara, a pizza, and years of irrevocable corruption.

but for srs i'm like 78.643% sure there is no such thing as a good Star Fox fanfic.

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There's always good fanfics. They're just endlessly flooded out by all the bad ones. The fandom has had it's good share of well known writers, too, like Ringshadow.

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I can give you a list of good, well written, high quality Star Fox Fan Fiction right here, right now:

http://www.fanfictio.../One_Death_Away With Andross' defeat, Venom space becomes home to pirates, remnant soldiers, and other isolated dangers. Corneria responds by deploying the most advanced warship ever conceived, unaware of the dire threat awaiting it-a threat unimaginable even to Fox. (All time favorite)

http://www.fanfictio...8/1/War_Stories The Lylat War seen in StarFox 64 was a conflict of heroes, villains, ideas and emotions. In three stories from the war, see the conflict through the eyes of those that suffered and fought in it, from the dark beginning to the triumphant end.

http://www.fanfictio...ox_Chaos_Effect Plays off a few of the endings from Star Fox Command. Follows Krystal's betrayal of Fox as well as a mixture of a few others. Starts with Fox receiving a business proposition on Fichina. Enjoy.

http://www.fanfictio...Fox_Mercenaries A mercenary's life is hard, thankless, and lonely. But let a man taste that freedom, and he's like to never part with it. So when war threatens Lylat's fragile peace, Fox must fly with friends old and new to protect all that he holds dear. Post SF64.

http://www.fanfictio..._to_Bereavement Immediately after the Aparoid War, an attempt on Fox's life leads to a tryst that spirals out of control. Fighting his reticence, he struggles to satisfy himself, his rival, his teammates, and all of Lylat. (this one is even a Fox/Wolf yaoi one, and I hate yaoi!)


Good Star Fox fanfiction exists, and this list is far from complete.

Okay, yes, I know this is like a tiny scrap of the hundreds, almost thoudands now, of Star Fox fan-filth. Yes most everything in the fan-fictiondom was spawend from the festering piss-pot of Sturgeon's Law. But while "ninety percent of everything is crap," don't dismiss that precious ten percent on the other side so easily (or less than that by my observations).

Edit: added the authors' summaries to the list.

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Say, are there any summaries of the aforementioned fanfics?

Yep, added the writers' summaries to the post. ^_^

Sorry if I may have seemed a little blunt in the response, I don't mean any disrespect at all. Between you and Uno there (especially Uno, actually), I felt I needed to provide a good solid counterpoint, and support Robert Monroe's claim. I'm not an easy critic to impress, so I figured I'd pull out some of the stuff that impressed the hell outta me and hold'em up for all to see.

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