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The Peanut Gallery


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Hello! And welcome one and all to The Peanut Gallery of the Star Fox Online fanficion section! :mrgreen:

Ever read a piece of Star Fox fanfiction that was so outrageously terrible in so many ways that you laughed? I'm sure you have, and if you haven't, its not at all difficult to find such material in the online archives and forums where they live. The cliches, overused plots, poor skill and tasteless style run wild throughout the wide land of the Star Fox fandom. The Peanut Gallery is a place where you the forumgoer can join us on a safari though such treacherous territory, and share these so-bad-that-it's-good experiences with the world for the mirth and merriment of your fellow forumgoer.

The format we'll set up here is for the poster to first comment on the excerpt posted by the user just above. Once you've said your piece, you would then select another excerpt of Star Fox fanfiction (or the entire thing if its short enough), and post it here for the next user to comment on, and even leave your own comment of you like. Those of you who frequent SFO's Rec Room will recognize the "comment on the above user's X" format, which the Peanut Gallery is, to some extent, being inspired by.

Rules (well, they're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules) :

1) No Rage-Flaming at the target fanfics, please. The purpose of the Peanut Gallery is primarily for amusement and laughs, not for enraged belligerence and deep-cutting personal attacks.

2)Try to keep the excerpt short enough to be read easily and quickly. Also, if possible, provide a short description of the fic you're getting your excerpt from, as well as the scene, so we may all have a better more understanding laugh.

3) To minimize awkward situations with your fellow forumgoers, let's refrain from posting excerpts here of fanfics featured in the SFO fanfiction section, at least not without the consent of the author. Worry not though, as there is plenty of potential material out there for the Peanut Gallery to feature.

With that said, I'll kick off the grand opening by providing this story here, Being from a Different Galaxy, by Namigi. You need only read the first chapter (it's short). Venture further at your own leisure and/or risk: http://www.fanfictio...ifferent_galaxy

Let the heckling begin! :-P

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(Not sure which way to do this, so i am going to follow the format Waffle's uses.)

Jessy used his sword as a stabilizer and banked left and right, avoiding the bullets and missiles. Jessy plummeted into the water, and no one noticed. Jessy walked onto the shore and watched as the helicopter was shot down. "Damn, I'm going to have to find a new way out of here now. But before that." Jessy ran the base, and with a single jump, he cleared the wall.

Arashikage: Clear! *Pthump*

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Ther was one fic written by a christian evangelical. It was about Falco being fired from starfox for being an alkie, and is saved by a spiritual intervention through Fox. This person was a prohibitionist, so it sounded a little awkward/sanctimonious.

I dont think Religion and Starfox go together.I dont think the team should disparage religion/ or be atheists, but I just think Starfox should be largely a secular domain.

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Earth was in total darkness, bodies lay on the ground, gun fire could be heard in all directions, and Korea seemed like they were about to win -pg 1, line 1

Balsa: The run on sentances were beating all who apposed them!

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  • 2 months later...


""F*ck the parachute." Jessy said as he dove out of the helicopter."

Balsa: F*ck the po-lice!

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I think to better get the context of the snarkiness, we should probably add a short description of the fic and situation.

I'll adjust the main post now.

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I have one...written by me

Fourteen year old me. It was called Regenerations and while it had some ideas I'm still okay with, but...

It was about what happens to Andrew after he gets shot down in Assault; rescued and rehabilitated by Shears in a remote base on Fichina, with the intent of cloning Andross (yet again) from his DNA, then kicking Andrew out on his ass. Andrew detects bullshit, Katt and the Free Birds screw around and the ghosts of Andrew's parents and Andross help him magically escape from a bomb. He also gets shot/stabbed a million times and is fine.

it also had a giant horrible Mary Sue named Lola who's a supersoldier monkey working for Shears who is craaawling in her skiiiin because angst is kawaii. She wasn't a self-insert, at least, and basically existed to die so Andrew could angst some more. But she sucked. There was also a Scottish gorilla named Mack for some reason and apparently Andrew memorized Andross' entire DNA sequence.

Here are some terrible quotes:

"Lola..." he moaned, his throat burning with his tears. Why was he doing this? He hardly knew the girl...and yet...

"Kill Shears and lead the Andronian Army..." Andrew whispered to himself. "But his sword...it...it went right through me!"

"No it did not," Andross said sternly. "It merely pierced your chest, and missed all your internal organs. You WILL survive." It sounded like a command, a command so strong it had to be obeyed.

"Yes we can," Katt replied. "We've fought Shears before, and won. We can do it again."

"You won't get away with this!"

Wind howled like a tormented Earth-wolf/The first voice was female, with an accent that humans would consider southern,

"You have powers greater than any normal shmuck's," he said, attempting to change the subject. "Don't you think that's cool?"

Lola frowned. "No, as a matter of fact, I don't!"

"I see you've found the lab, your highness. As if my brilliant plan was not ruined enough already by that wretched Monroe and slowed by that meddlesome woman Lola...well, I just needed to rearrange it a bit. Now I just need to hope everything goes according to plan..."

"Sir! Sir, wake up!" it was a woman's voice, barely eligible through the pounding in his ears.

Most of it is still posted here just in case you never wanted to take me seriously again

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Oh lord, I'm kinda tempted now, in a morbid sort of way, to dig up my ancient 1st ever drafts of some of my own work...

so. so. horrible and moldy-cheese like...

Hold please. Possible edit soon...

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This is possibly one of the funniest threads currently on SF-O. I haven't dabbled in the fanfiction scene long enough to view anything too horrendous, and that's why this topic is hilarious.

@Dras - While the quotes themselves weren't too bad it was the titles that made my day. :lol:

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I Srsly rolled a D100 to chose this one



I read only one line of that after following the link, and I could tell it'd only be downhill from there. "Lets hunt som badies..." *cringe*

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"Nice work, Raven." He said in a husky voice.


Balsa: "Why thank you" She thanked in a Poodle voice.

hahahaha oh god this is amazing

and i know it's cheating but trollfic

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hahahaha oh god this is amazing

and i know it's cheating but trollfic


It was fun to read, mind you. :)

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