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StarWolf improved?


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"Leon Powalski" is also not only a reference to his species (chameleon) but a reference to Leon Kowalski from Blade Runner.


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Speaking of that what is "Andrew Oikonny" a reference too? I know Pigma "Dengar" is a reference to dengar dialect of Japan. I thikn its equivalent to Brooklyn/ New Jersy dialect in america ( hence Pigma's accent)

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4 against 3 depends purely upon the skillset of the 3, if Panther was an absolute monster as a pilot and could butcher them all without breaking a sweat, then sure why not. However he can't so.... With Star Fox 64 there was balance and real motivation. it's all just gone crazy

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Not only could panther not, neither Wolf nor Leon could. Seriously, when you fight them in assault, it is so boring and lazy. U could do it half asleep or drunk. And you know there is no real danger. It makes Star wolf fortuna look really difficult. And that is probably because again they arent really evil at all in assault ( more just gruff and all talk) but are really evil in sf 64

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