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An explaination of my absense


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Hey guys, OMG I'M ALIVE....

The reason I have not really be online lately is since last month, I have been working on the house my dad and I currently bought, so the main time I have been using my computer/laptop was to talk to a special someone. Hopefully with things finishing up with the house, I can get on more, and cause you more hell. (LOL)

Another note, another reason why i wasnt online was because that someone special I mentioned was actually here, and most of my time was contributed to him.......so yeah......he had to go back to Cali

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I guess it's only fitting that I welcome my old friend Cortet back to the site. Don't worry about not being here all the time, everyone has to do other things than SF-O once in awhile.

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Hey Kid! Awesome to see you making your return to SF-O! :friends:

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