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Basically it's a good idea to stop online piracy, but not in the way they plan to do this. It's been talked about for a while now but I don't see any mention of it on SF-O, so you may have heard about S.O.P.A. but if not here's some info in video form.


This video has a bit more swearing and is less informative, but I like Jim So Imma post his anyways http://www.destructoid.com/the-jimquisition-sony-nintendo-ea-and-sopa-216294.phtml

You can sign some petitions down there if you want

This one here also supplies information about this bill in text form also http://www.change.org/petitions/stop-the-internet-control-bill-now



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The bill appears to be a load of crap. It doesn't really effect me as such but I would still hate to see it go through.

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Seems as though I should have mentioned this earlier, I've known about it for a long time and assumed so did everyone else, so I didn't bother, but now I've been told the hearing of the Bill already whent by. It's still important to know about though, as they will probably try and pass it again with slightly different wording multiple times.

Also, how does this not effect you? Even just the tampering with the inner workings of the net leading to a less stable net really effects anyone using it, also if it effects sites you use, it effects you too.

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Also, how does this not effect you? Even just the tampering with the inner workings of the net leading to a less stable net really effects anyone using it, also if it effects sites you use, it effects you too.

Fair enough. Didn't think about that side of it. Sorry.

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Every few months you hear about a ridiculous bill concerning something Internet/piracy/restricting online freedoms related in the media. This is no different and there are so many things wrong with this latest incarnation. For one this isn't constitutional and it violates more than just presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial.

Even if it did pass hearings doesn't mean it's close to becoming law and even if it was it would be struck down immediately by the Supreme Court.

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Obama said he wanted to Veto it anyway, so even if it gets through Congress, he'll send it right back to them, and I doubt it would make it through twice.

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Obama said he wanted to Veto it anyway, so even if it gets through Congress, he'll send it right back to them, and I doubt it would make it through twice.

For once, i approve of Obama's existance.

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Even if it did pass hearings doesn't mean it's close to becoming law and even if it was it would be struck down immediately by the Supreme Court.

as much as i'd want it to, if the court is activist they could over look it. though some one will be sure to sue the gov for it and if it was ruled just it will be overturned later on.
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Whether this bill passes or not and no matter how many times somebody tries to stop piracy from music, movies, games or on the internet...there is never going to be an end to all kinds of pirates.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kicking a bit of a dead horse here with dates and all but...

The legendary Totalbiscuit talks about SOPA, it seemed related (in every way possible) so I hereby bring it to the forefront.

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I've had to talk about SOPA soo much lately, and honestly, let's say it does get passed. Yes, everyone will hate if that happens, truuuue, but let's just humor ourselves and say it does get passed.

It does what, give companies the right to take that stuff down? Alright, alright, fair enough.

So... Yeah, cool stuff. Then all those business that somehow like this go, "YES!!! Now, we are free of alksbdl .kjgbslkjb vsj'" 'Enter reason of choice in the non-understandable mess'

The law would simply 'allow' them the power of all that, not that it would instantly take down every single thing. People who live stream games, make video remixs, abridge series, and simple Let's Play's or walkthroughs are -free- advertisement. I can't even begin to list all the cool stuff myself and a few friends got into just because someone showed me a funny video that was made from something. Business like this effect. It get's them more players, more ads, more money. If they use the law to take stuff that is free advertisement down, then it only hurts them and they go, "Oh... Well... Shiiiiiiiiiiiii-" and all.

Could that all be just in context, and not really happen? The chance is there, sure. But I believe that those cool little comics from Screen shots, little videos, or Motivational Pictures from games, products, and anime's got a lot of us into at least a few things. Whether that effect wouldn't hurt them or not, I can't say. I don't have statistics or numbers to prove my point. But in the end, this is really nothing to worry about.

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Kicking a bit of a dead horse here with dates and all but...

The legendary Totalbiscuit talks about SOPA, it seemed related (in every way possible) so I hereby bring it to the forefront.

Was just about to post that video, Very good watch, everyone should, SOPA = BAD!

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