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Code Caliber


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RP Name/Title- Code Caliber

Style- Forum

Theme- Story/Combat oriented


Description- a very long time as passed since the worlds have opened their borders to one another, allowing free travel and the near- complete freedom of information. The various governments tried to adapt and govern things equally, but as with all governmental systems, this began to fall apart and the people in charge got greedy, but rather than create a big fancy war with excessive bloodshed they devised a more expensive, more spectacular, and more covert way to take over... Various worlds and factions began working on organic weapons called "Calibers." people either altered to be born with or synthetically ( and painfully) imbued with strength, magical ability and other augmented features and abilities. the goal of the Caliber Project was to have a few fights against each other's calibers.. who ever had the last Caliber standing, and therefore the best soldier, was the winner and all other governing bodies would have to relinquish authority to them. To keep the Public in the dark, the war is disguised as a sporting event, televising confirmed fights. The desensitized masses eat it up, almost forgetting that Calibers are living beings too.

Goal- Either play along with the plan and fight to be the last Caliber, or try to find out the truth and rebel against your handlers.

Player count- will change, but for simplicity's sake let's try to keep a 2-1 normal person to caliber ratio. (Five calibers being amongst 15 people... the other 10 being normal soldiers or people)

Please bare with me is I attempt to go into more detail about the caliber project how to create characters and such... it will take a while... but i'm trying to continually iron out any kinks that appear.

  • Credits: ¢¢600

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Calibers are Sentient, living weapons, made to have Magical abilities, Incredible strength, speed, intelligence, and various other traits. There are a variety of calibers, but they usually fall under generic categories: Framework, Prototype, and Neotype.

Framework Calibers

Framework Calibers are not alive at all, actually. ( But try telling them that) They are all autonomic machines, operated by simple AI. Although not very strong, they show use by being obedient to their orders, no matter what task it's been given by it's handler. They lack the sturdiness of their Biological counterparts, so they owe most of their leathality to enhanced ability with weaponry, although this is equally offset by mechanical limitations and adherence to logic, as they possess no emotion.

Prototype Calibers: Based off the weaknesses of the Frameworks, The prototypes were created by using living volunteers that offered up their bodies, having parts of their anatomy either altered or replaced with mechanical parts, some even using synthetic, crystalline energy sources to synthesize the effects of magic. Prototypes are heavy hitters, as their altered structure and bodies lend them incredible strength and durability, ( they're generally burly, ) although their altered state is also a double edged sword, as they are slow to move usually ( even slower when armed) Their magic also suffers because not only is the energy synthetic, it takes a while to move though the casters body to reach their focus points.

Neotype Calibers: Considered the newest " Stage" of the Caliber project, NeoType calibers are altered before birth to have immense strength, speed, intelligence, and Naturally occurring, more effective magic ability. Since they are born with their abilities, they learn on instinct and their abilities feel innate, though they still need to train with them to master them. However, Since their body types could not be altered aside from training, their durability varies although even a slender one can take a few good blow from a prototype before things start getting fuzzy. They tend to rely more all their skills, since they are all balanced with no particular features focused on.

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Restraint System:

Prototypes and Neotypes have in place a restraint system that regulates their powers, as they train, they gain access to release more of their restraints. Calibers have various restraint levels. ( For the sake of simplicity you can have a maximum of 5... which will increase if the rp goes long enough)

Restraint systems will be set on character profiles much like this. (Renard's Drives)

Restraint LV. Drive name Effect

1 N/a Strength increase- Minor

2 N/A Speed increase- minor

3 Mana Drive Gain Access to Low Level Elemental abilities

4 Cryo Drive Increases effectiveness of Ice/Cold based abilities

5 Delta Drive General ability Increase

Drive names and effects can be created originally, but you MUST Run them by Me or a GM for approval. Be sure to be consice.

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Character Sheet Template:

Name: ( Helps to know what your called.)

Caliber/Noncaliber: ( Important!)

Caliber Type: (Framework, Prototype, or Neotype)

Age: (Aren't you a little young/old to be a soldier?)

Race: ( mainly used for species identification)

Origin: ( We all start somewhere)

Gender: ( To prevent confusion and potentially awkward situations.... well for you)

Height: ( cavernous room? or Low bridge?)

Weight: ( Please don't kill me, ladies)

Build: ( I'm sorry... it's for Details!)

Eyes: (Windows to the Soul... or lack thereof)

Appearance: (should have asked this in the first place)


Alignment ( ever-important)

Personality:( Plenty? or none?)

Background: ( The Tears! the Passion! The (in)humanity!)

[name] as a Caliber: (Specialties, specifics... stuff like that.)

Talents/abilities: ( I've..... run out of stuff to say...)

Well... that's about it.... Sound Good? I'll be happy to provide any needed info....


My character...a pretty good example too.

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