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I have a question,what is the difference between a creepypasta and a grimdark,scary,or/and gory story?

Like would Cupcakes (Story not for the squeamish) be a creepypasta?I wouldn't think so because it wasn't creepypastaish.It was like a SAW movie,gore,no story,just gore.

Although Creepypastas use gore regularly.

But anyways,what's the difference?

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I'm thinking Creepypasta would be more along the lines of a real life event that someone experianced that is meant to be creepy but isn't real. A ghost story would be an occurance that happened to someone (or more than one person) and now some people are speaking out about what happened to them and is considered real. Scary stories are meant to be scary not real (unless that's part of the fear factor), and a grimdark story would be more along the lines of a serious event that is more serious or depressing than scary.

Cupcakes I would only consider to be gorey fanfiction unless in Equestria they talk about how pony celebraties are killing people.

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I'm thinking Creepypasta would be more along the lines of a real life event that someone experianced that is meant to be creepy but isn't real.

I may have to butt in a bit,but you're on track.

The russian sleep experiment was a creepypasta but it was told in the third person.

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Usually a creepypasta gets its name from how it was spread: its pasta'd or copy-pasted all over the internet. Anything else could be classified as whatever, a creepy story, gore/grimdark/darkfic, etc.

I guess if short enough, providing a good scare (or bemusement), and being easy to read any kind of creepy story could easily become a creepypasta.

I don't know what cupcakes is, but it probably is one.

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"Cupcakes" is grimdark. It's a story you have to commit to finishing. Creepypasta is something like the Luna Games, where it can start off innocent enough, then BAM! Shit your pants.

Plus grimdark isn't necessarily frightening or anything, just usually dark, twisted, and emotionally wrenching.

I do believe this falls under grimdark.


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A creepypasta is a usually anecdotal and anonymous story that pretty much amounts to an internet urban legend. The name itself is a play on "copypasta", as in, people copy/paste it around the internet. They can be grimdark or have gore or whatnot in them, but they aren't mutually exclusive.

Cupcakes isn't a creepypasta, it's quite distinctively just some fanfic.

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