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WTF, why fox has the staff at the end of adventures -_-


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Ok I was playing adventures today, and I saw this huge mistake on the ending escene...

well after fox saved krystal, she TAKES the staff and starts shooting like crazy....and well, fox NEVER retakes it....he leaves on his arwing chasing andross and krystal is STILL shooting fire balls.....well...on the ending part in where all the crew is on the great fox ,before krystal comes....you can see Fox's backpack WITH the staff.......

This was the fourth time I passed the game and the first time I saw this mistake...

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Guest Nicky Tonik

Graphics reusage. Probably didn't think anyone would notice, and just reused Fox's framework rather than redrawing him without the staff.

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You just noticed? Staring at that poster a bit too much, eh? :P Anyway, I don't see why they would reuse that model if there's the one where he doesn't have a staff like at the beginning of the game.

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  • 1 month later...

OMG...Just looked at a screenie, and there you have it, hasty, zelda-ifed (ment with the upmost respect :( ) programming at it's horrible finest......

of couse they might have left it like that on purpous, to reward the observitave, rare did it in goldeneye, too (a buch of lab equipment on the top of a rafter/HVAC duct in the 2nd level.)

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Star Fox Adventures has a lot of errors, more than the average game (at least from my observations).

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dwight is right I have also seen alot of errors in Starfox Advenures, not just graphic wise but also the game can glitch up quickly if you don't do something correctly.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

The Punk Pond Bar?

(Or something to that effect.)

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