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So, Herman Cain is out


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All the recent posts about Bush's IQ reminds me of this video clip of the Bush & Al Gore debate in 2000. All those 8 years he probably forgot what he promised what he would do for America:

The George Bush You Forgot

He was almost like RP (Ron Paul) type of a guy in that debate clip. After his oath and 1 year later 9/11 happened and foreign policies changed dramatically. I suspect he was obedient to the Globalists that are more powerful than him. He promised these things on foreign policy and claims to be a Christian Conservative. But bills like the Patriot Act and other bad laws has increased the size of the federal government! Bush the distract front runner man (along with the other past presidents including current president Obama).

Now what do I mean by Globalists? These men are the top of the top in power structure for world government. That could lead to a different subject and is beyond the comprehension on the topic. Heres a photo of Bush in 95' along with his father plus Gingrich at the Lakeside Talks & Bohemian Grove. These men are so creepy. Bohemian Grove is more secret than Lakeside Talks. Here is the photograph of them:



Heres more information about Bohemian Grove if you want to know what its really all about.


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Bohemian Grove? Do you actually believe that group is trying to establish the New World Order? A Pseudo Stalinist one world government?

If only he had not invaded Iraq. The would be more people alive today and the middle east would be more stable. In a funny way Bush was a liberal, since he was a big federal spender.

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In a funny way Bush was a liberal, since he was a big federal spender.

Only Congress makes the decisions regarding big spending matters (like budgets), not the president.

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the President routinely submits his own budget to Congress. it doesn't have force of law unless Congress passes it verbatim (which never happens) but it does serve as a guide for where the President's priorities and agenda lie--and by extension and to a lesser degree, where his party's priorities and agenda lie. so, looking at the budgets Bush submitted and the way they functioned for Congress as a guide to what he/his party pursued and eventually got, yes, you can quite easily say that Bush was a big spender. that was all stuff he advocated, through the budgets he submitted to Congress.

the budgets don't tell the entire story, though, because during the Bush administration the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were funded by emergency spending measures outside the yearly budgets.

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" During the Bush administration the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were funded by emergency spending measures outside the yearly budgets"

For all the good it did us ( at least in Afghanistan). Though it was a nice base to get Bin Laden and much of Al Qaeda from, that country is still a mess!

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" During the Bush administration the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were funded by emergency spending measures outside the yearly budgets"

For all the good it did us ( at least in Afghanistan). Though it was a nice base to get Bin Laden and much of Al Qaeda from, that country is still a mess!

On the subject of bin laden:

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Seems the Janitor was on that one for at least several years. Yet we did need Afghanistan as a base to get him. Pakistan is kind of a two faced ally, since they had tipped off Bin Laden before, and likely knew he was hiding in their country. Funny when after we killed him, no one in Pakistans government said " He was hiding Here! Geez we had no idea! What were we thinking?Thanks so much for getting him though!"

Instead they seemed really defensive and offended that we did what we did. Wierd.

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