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"What would you do if" threads


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OK, these threads are getting annoying, and really don't have much discussion.

If you want to discuss how it would affect the canon if a character died, then fine. That is something that can be discussed.

That said, from now on, only one "what would you do i f" thread will be allowed to remain active at a time.

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Actually, yes. I'm happy administrators are taking care of this problem. I was getting sick and tired of seeing those topics from left to right.

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This fandom is notorious for go-nowhere discussion on everyone's favorite space furrays.

This pleases me.

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I got one, what if Retro made a Star Fox Metroid crossover for the Wii U as a launch game?


The whole point of this thread is to point out why the "what if" types of threads don't work; they lack discussion and have no general focus. You are defeating the point of this topic by posting a "what if" question. Not to mention there is already a Retro Studios and StarFox topic; http://starfox-onlin...s-and-star-fox/

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