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Command...is it worth it?


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stay away from nuses, and have some antidepressents ready

woooow... Ajc,

long time no see...but i dont think its gonna be that bad

Have you found out yet? icon_razz.gif

On-topic: believe it or not Command was the first ever SF game I finished icon_razz.gif

Not quite bruh..
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If you have no luck with local shops, try online. I ordered mine from Gamestop's website. If they are out of stock, they'll just send you one when they get one in stock, and you're welcome to keep the order up for months or get a refund.

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woooow... Ajc,

long time no see...but i dont think its gonna be that bad

;_; it was for me man, it was for me.....

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Still haven't gotten the game have you?

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stay away from nuses, and have some antidepressents ready

I agree with this. :-P

Command is one of the most horrible games I've ever played. Might need something to wash out the terribleness of it. :-P

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If command is one of the worst games you've ever played, I wanna know what great titles you regularly pick up.

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If command is one of the worst games you've ever played, I wanna know what great titles you regularly pick up.

if you don't thinhk command is horrible wanna know what other game YOU play.
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Command is boringly average, which is nowhere near the standard we should expect from one of Nintendo's main series. There's a difference between bad and mediocre.

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Command is boringly average, which is nowhere near the standard we should expect from one of Nintendo's main series. There's a difference between bad and mediocre.

i don't know, i havn't played a game like command since....commmand. I think its beyond horrible. Infact so terrible it to call it horrible or terrible is to underestimate its atrociousness. But thats not what we are hear to talk about. Find me another game the seems to have 9 endings all bent on screwing the fans over at every turn. While a few happy endings may be found, the begening of the game is just as bad.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Still haven't gotten the game have you?

Lemme let you in on a little secret. I'm po. At least new DS wise.



;_; it was for me man, it was for me.....






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