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Content Call!


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Things are in motion. Dwight and I are making headway on the site.

We will be recovering content from archive.org's cache of the old SFO site.

However, we will need to regain some of the content that was lost.

Here's what is mainly needed:

1. Unwatermarked (No site/magazine logos) screenshots and renders from all games except Command.

2. Write-Ups on various Star Fox games and related material

3. Fan Art (this section will come later, possibly as a coppermine gallery)

4. Fan Fiction (this section will come later)

5. Columns. A column is a recurring article about a subject (If you wish to write a column for the site, please contact me via PM or e-mail)

You may suggest any form of content. Not everything will be used, but all suggestions will be evaluated.

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I have a question DZ, I know it's off topic but I am almost done with a starfox sprite project. Should I go ahead and post them here when I finish them or wait untill the new site is up?

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your call. You could even do both

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