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Handgun Blew Up No One Was Hurt Or Killed


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OK here's how the story goes. I was shooting my Bersa 383-A it shoots .380ACP ammunition. So I was at the range I loaded some Herters Russian .380ACP well the results were BAAMMM after 5 rounds. The fifth round the slide just blew off almost hitting me in the face but my ninja reflexes helped me (just kidding) the slide actually flew above my head land about a foot away from me. Lucky no one was behind me and well it was a head turner I'd say about 18 of 20 turned their heads to see what happened. At the end I thought "Dang it was a good gun time to get a new slide."



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You might need a whole new gun. Can't tell in those pictures, but it looks like the frame sustained some damage, and the internals likely did as well.

You will want to take it to a gunsmith and/or contact the manufacturers about it, and send the gun in. Usually they repair it or send you a new one.

Just be sure to explain what happened.

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Well that's good to hear. Hate to see a good gun go to waste. ......or another....human being..injured. Can't forget that!!!

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