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Rumored Next-Gen Systems.


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Nintendo thought that it would be a good idea to re premier the Wii-U at the next E3, Not only that but both Sony and Microsoft thought it would be a good idea for them too. MCVUK.com has reported that both Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft will be making console announcements later this June.

This is both a good and bad thing. the good news is we will get more information about the Wii-U and some upcoming games as well as the next Sony and Xbox consoles. The bad news is I JUST GOT MY PS3! Talk about bad timing. <_<



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I can't believe Sony will announce a PS4 on E3. Right now Sony has problems with bringing PS Vita to the market. The second week after publishing in Japan the sales dropped even below the 3DS sales of that week. I think Sony will concentrate on supporting Vita with more apps and mainstream games and additional hardware. Even if Sony is a gigantic business - they just can't let a brand new handheld flop, that would be a rather big financial disaster.

Additional Sony's studio Boss Shuhei Yoshida already denied the announcement of the PS4: http://www.computera...y-studios-boss/

A follower of the Xbox360 could be more likely, as the console is a year older and technically not as good as the PS3. Although I would doubt an announcement, too, as Microsoft has good sales with the XBox360 right now and still makes good money with it.

The WiiU will definitely come this year, I hope somewhere shortly after or even right at the E3. And hopefully with a new StarFox game :D

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I really don't know about this one, I've always learned to take rumors with a grain of salt.

Besides, the addition of the Playstation Move and Kinect have most definitely increased the lifespan of those consoles, releasing a new console could hurt that steam they've built up. And just like Dublinfox, I JUST GOT A 360 LAST AUGUST! Talk about feeling ripped off.

Additionally, I'm actually kind of hoping this isn't true for the sake of the Wii U, tech analysts say it's not much more powerful than the PS3 or 360, you can bet that the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft will be FAR more powerful than the current ones, basically meaning that the problems we suffered with the Wii on a power and graphical standpoint is going to happen all over again.

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And then Anon will hack Sony again, then people will fight over the wether the nextbox and the PS4 are better,everybody and their sister's entire family will buy the Wii U, and we'll be back where we were 7 years ago when this current console generation started.

and hopefully somewhere in there, Miyamoto will find time to give Starfox some love, considering he's already stated Pikmin 3 (YEEEEEAH) will be on the Wii U

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Sony just literally took an arrow in the knee with this. I mean, they proudly bragged about a 10 year cycle with the ps3.

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  On 1/7/2012 at 6:14 PM, scourgeclaw said:

and hopefully somewhere in there, Miyamoto will find time to give Starfox some love, considering he's already stated Pikmin 3 (YEEEEEAH) will be on the Wii U

troll-shigeru-5150_preview.pngPikmin 3 and Starfox? Naaw...

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  On 1/7/2012 at 6:29 PM, Steve said:

Sony just literally took an arrow in the knee with this. I mean, they proudly bragged about a 10 year cycle with the ps3.

In theory they could actually be right; Sony is still making money (no matter how minute) off of the PS2, and that console's respective generation ended quite some time ago. I doubt PS3 sales will completely stop as a new piece of hardware comes out, though they are sure to slow.

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The Xbox 360 came out on December 2, 2005. The Playstation 3 came out on November 11, 2006. Both systems pretty out of date when it comes to technology nowadays (6 years is a HUGE amount of time in the tech world) and the latest games today are obviously being hampered by now, the limited capabilities of Microsoft's and Sony's systems. New video game consoles are long overdue IMO. Yes, Sony and Microsoft can continue to make money right now but don't be surprised if one of them drops a bomb out of nowhere in the form of a new console in the not so distance future.

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  On 1/7/2012 at 7:44 PM, "User" said:

The Xbox 360 came out on December 2, 2005. The Playstation 3 came out on November 11, 2006. Both systems pretty out of date when it comes to technology nowadays (6 years is a HUGE amount of time in the tech world) and the latest games today are obviously being hampered by now, the limited capabilities of Microsoft's and Sony's systems. New video game consoles are long overdue IMO. Yes, Sony and Microsoft can continue to make money right now but don't be surprised if one of them drops a bomb out of nowhere in the form of a new console in the not so distance future.

Totalbiscuit has said the exact same thing. And these words ring true, current consoles are shit by comparision. Take a look at some of your games, now look at the weapon your character is holding. the weapon they're holding has been scaled up from what it was when the console generation started. Desire to know why? Because a gun in the foreground is alot easier to render than more wanna-be high res world your standing in.

  On 1/7/2012 at 7:20 PM, Mr. N said:

troll-shigeru-5150_preview.pngPikmin 3 and Starfox? Naaw...

Actually Miyamoto has actually said he's already working on Pikmin 3...


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Can't wait for the Wii-U myself. Also,



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Theres has been an update about the PS4. Turns out its all bull. The people in charge said that they wanted the PS3 to be a 10 year system.

In my opinion, THANK GOD!!! :D



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Awesome, leaves more room for Nintendo to make its comeback

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Pikmin 3 has been "coming" since the Gamecube days. I'm calling it Vaporware until I see something more than "I'm working on it." Remember: This isn't the first time Miyamoto has done this: Super Mario 128 anyone? That one REALLY WAS vaporware!

As far as Xbox 3 and PlayStation 4, I have my doubts. Particularly for Xbox 3. Microsoft sank way too much into Kinect to announce a new system now. I'm thinking next year. Sony probably won't want to Osborne the PS3 during the pathetic launch the Vita has had.

Though seeing that the 3DS and the Vita both had craptastic launches, it may be that the analysts are right this time. Maybe handheld consoles are on their way out. The next handheld generation will probably only be a niche market. Phones are getting more and more powerful and their abilities as gaming platforms are starting to reach levels where mass-market people don't care.

I'd like to see Nintendo make an Android-based phone. But, I know they won't do it. Even if they were to make a phone, they'd put their own OS on it and it would get destroyed in the market due to lack of apps.

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Woe is the PC gamer, relegated to terrible ports and unsatisfying technical limitations.

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I feel this image is always appropriate when talking about next-gen systems.


With that out of the way, DZ, Nintendo's handheld systems are probably going to be long-tail from now on. Remember, the original DS had an EVEN WORSE launch than the 3DS, and yet, once "killer apps" were available for it (New Super Mario Bros and Nintendogs) it proceeded to print money as with just about everything Nintendo has ever made.

I heard a prediction today that Sony or Microsoft will not even MAKE a next-gen system, but will bow out of console making entirely. I find this highly doubtful, but there's no question that Sony has had no shortage of problems in recent years, and not just in the gaming sphere. Also, XBOX 360 had a year lead and is now a little over 6 years into this cycle. They need a new system. My guess is that, like Nintendo in the past, they will throw something together to get people talking, but it will be little more than glorified tech demos for at least a year while the scramble to actually put something tangible and economically feasible together.

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Well Sony did make a disc that can hold 1tb of data, so they're probably working on a system to handle that well, which might take some time. Even if they get the system designed and all that, I'd imagine they'd wait until the consumers are ready for a new console as the PS3 is still going strong, and in my opinion is the best console of this generation.

Though, as a gamer, I am wet with anticipation of the capabilites of a 1tb disc. If someone made a single player game with it, the campaign/story would be long enough to rival some of the other games' series, with impressive worlds, sounds, graphics, etc. etc. A multiplayer game would have impressive MP levels, weapon selection (for shooters and the like), other awesome features, as well as imrpoved sounds and graphics.

Also, latest rumour I heard regarding Microsoft was that their next system will be a tablet. Just a rumour.

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  On 1/12/2012 at 2:59 AM, Mascarpony said:

Woe is the PC gamer, relegated to terrible ports and unsatisfying technical limitations.

And then we all discovered Steam.

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