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Back in November Canada came out with new $100 bills and will be releasing the $50 one's this March followed by the other denominations by the end of 2013. These new bills are made of polymer and as such can't be ripped, are waterproof, and difficult to destroy in other manners. Other countries like Australia have been using them for quite some time already and my question to my fellow Canadians is what your opinion of these bills are? I think they're long overdue and that other countries like America would do well to use polymer instead of paper.



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New money texture eh?

Did you know that Canada's central bank currency is a little more stronger than the U.S's Federal Reserve currency (in terms of value)? But the central bank of Australia's currency is a lot more stronger than both the central banks combined?! Their interest rate is at 4.25%.


Then here in the U.S again, they are coming out with new designs for 100 bills. Still going to be paper.


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My thoughts are thus:

"Oh wow. Your money is made of a slightly different material."

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that was my reaction too until I actually found one and then had to strongly resist the urge to rub it all over my face because i was at work and people would judge me

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New money texture eh?

Did you know that Canada's central bank currency is a little more stronger than the U.S's Federal Reserve currency (in terms of value)? But the central bank of Australia's currency is a lot more stronger than both the central banks combined?! Their interest rate is at 4.25%.

Yes, but interest rates aren't nearly the only factor in determining a central banks strength or influence - if anything the future outlook for central bank interest rates is more important than the present. Iceland's prime rate is 4.75% yet they had a massive financial meltdown with their major banks - among the worst in Europe, due to horrible oversight by the central bank during the 08-11 finaicial crisis. Higher interest ranks have both positive and negative attributes depending on whether you invest or borrow. It's more prudent to look at how a country's overall banking system rates instead of just interest rates set by the central banks - Canada's has been consistantly ranked at among the best during the meltdown out of developed countries. Australia didn't have as much exposure to the crisis as more of their assets were hedged in Asia.

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that was my reaction too until I actually found one and then had to strongly resist the urge to rub it all over my face because i was at work and people would judge me

And then you get cold sores.

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If you're stuffing hundreds into a thong, they damn well better not have no herpes.

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If you're stuffing hundreds into a thong, they damn well better not have no herpes.

Well, since they're a heck of a lot more durable I'm sure it will be much easier to rid the bills of STD's or other diseases or whatever.

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Well, since they're a heck of a lot more durable I'm sure it will be much easier to rid the bills of STD's or other diseases or whatever.

There's a money laundering joke in here somewhere.

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is that a penis on the 100 bill

Technically it's a tower but.... >___<

Like Dras said, this cannot be unseen. Hopefully they didn't screw up the $50 in a similar way, guess we'll see in March when it's circulated. D:

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that's okay, if i'm remembering my Canadian history properly, Robert Borden probably did actually have a giant black penis that rose up like an obelisk from the Canadian horizon

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OK, you people obviously have your minds in the gutter. I really don't see a penis on either the Canadian nor US notes.

I can only guess you mean the bell tower on the Canadian note that looks nothing like a penis. If you see a penis in that, then you must be constantly thinking about penis.

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don't mind DZ, he's just intimidated by Robert Borden's giant penis.

it's okay, man. some amount of fear is the natural response to a phallus so monumental.


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Not even in college and that last frame still stands. lol

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I really don't see a penis on US notes.

Just burning buildings (assuming you fold it correctly).

then you must be constantly thinking about penis.

Yes, I can't stop thinking about how enviable mine is.

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