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  • PSA: Beware of fake E3 "Leaks."

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    It's that time of year: the month-long buildup of hype for inevitable E3 letdown.

    Why does this hype end in letdown?


    Never is the time right for a gamer to use critical thinking skills than in the run-up to E3 where every troll with a fanbase they want to laugh at fires up MS Word or Photoshop and concocts a load of false hope.


    1. If it is a list, who is the intended audience for it and what purpose does it serve to that audience. Lists with no context mean nothing to anybody.

    2. Does that screenshot/logo/boxart use assets from a previous game in the series? If yes, then fake.

    3. Does the photoshop work look like the product of a n00b rather than the work of a professional graphic designer?

    4. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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    i better keep an eye on those fakes , when they mean funny business about starfox , ''us fans dont joke around not one bit''

    we stay true on our words 

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    Yeeaaaah..... I think I caused this. Right? I'm just trying to be optimistic. It's possible. But yeah we need to be careful.

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